Four Score and 17 Years Ago.

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Once Kayla's parents realized she was gone, they took immediate action. Not for their sake but for hers too. They dug through her room trying to find some clues of why she left; letters, emails, anything. Then they found the trilogy and a squirrel making a nest under her bed. One went in, another came out. They flipped through the first one and found an out-of-place paragraph. Like a run-on sentence.

Suddenly Frodo noticed that a strange-looking weatherbeaten man and a woman, sitting in the shadows near the wall, were also listening intently to the hobbit-talk.

Now the part about the woman seemed strange to them. Then they read about the man and woman's past life. He was a ranger and she was a woman who was his apprentice for 17 years. The description of her was too much like Kayla's.

"She's pulled a Meggie." Said Mr. Riana. 

"Should we?" Mrs. Riana eyed her husband. 

"Go to Mortimer? If we want our daughter back, yes." Mr. Riana nodded.

So the two bought plane tickets to Italy, but first, they had to get out of their town, go across the U.S and get enough money to get to Italy. They never travel so along with trying to get to Italy, they had to get Passports. It all took a year and five months to do this, total up the months, and you get 17 months. Sound slightly familiar? 

-Present Day-

Now when Kayla was back, not only was she sad, but furious. Her mother took her weapons and bag away, her father stepped forward to take her cloak, but Kayla took a step back.

"Kayla, are you hurt?" Her mother asked.

"No! I'm perfectly fine! I was perfectly out of harm's way!" Kayla yelled. "I don't need your protection!" 

"Your sword is covered in blood!" Her mother argued. 

"Well, none of it is mine so you can stop worrying," Kayla responded. Then she turned to Mo. "What do you think you're doing?? Someone could have gone into the book!" 

"Where did my Tiffany lamp go?" Aunt Elinor touched the space on a side table. 

"See? Nothing to worry about," Mo stated. 

"Come, love, I'll take you to your bedroom." Resa stepped forward.

Kayla stepped away from her and shook her head. "No, send me back, they'll wonder where I went. They'll worry." 

Her mother scoffed and set her weapons down on an armchair, much to Elinor's dismay. "Don't you think we were worried?" 

"I actually didn't," Kayla shot back and turned to Mo once more. "Please, send me back, they'll think I'm dead." 

Mo slowly shook his head. She could see the sympathy in his eyes but there was no point in sending her back when he went through all the trouble to get her here. 

"That's fine, then they won't have to look for you!" Her mother shouted. "Now go to your room, get out of those clothes, and wash yourself up. We're leaving in two days." 

Kayla didn't resist when Resa gently took her arm and led her up to her bedroom. "I'll let you have a moment alone up here, then I have some soup for you to eat."

Once Resa had closed the door and left, it was then that Kayla broke down. She dropped to her knees on the ground and cried. She thought about Boromir, and Merry and Pippin. She knew that Boromir would go but she didn't want him to be alone, she at least hoped she could be there to give him some comfort. Did the hobbits just watch her disappear? That's terrifying for them. And Aragorn... He would think she was dead. Maybe Legolas would have an idea of what happened.

A quiet knock came on the door and Meggie stuck her head into the room. When she saw Kayla on the ground, she entered the room and sat down next to her.

"Did you like it there?" Meggie asked. 

"Why else do you think I'm crying?" Kayla had replied. 

"What was it like?" Meggie handed her the Fellowship of the Ring. 

"Read it." Kayla handed it back to her. 

"I have," Meggie replied. "I loved it. The characters were wonderful, my favorite was Aragorn, he was so brave-" 

"Stop. Just stop. I'm going to cry again." 

"Were you close?" Meggie asked. 

"He was like my brother. Yeah, we were close." Kayla replied. "I need to get back there. It was amazing. Save for the Orcs... and Goblins and Ring Wraiths." 

"I could help you get back." Meggie offered. "I remember how much I loved being in the book, Inkheart." 

"You'd do that?!" Kayla held Meggie's shoulder. 

"If it makes you happy." She replied. "Your parents aren't very pleasant. They sort of barged in demanding that we help them. Mo only did it so they would leave us alone." 

"Meggie you're the best!" Kayla embraced her with a hug and then gasped with excitement. "I just thought of a plan." She announced. "So you write a passage from the second book with me in it. Then you read the passage and I'm in."

"That's clever, but I'm not as talented of a writer as J.R.R Tolkien," said Meggie. 

"Yes. That's right. We need a writer of skill, someone who can write a passage just like the author. Someone like-" Kayla was cut off. 

"Fenoglio!" Meggie exclaimed. 

"The old man? He's crazy!" Kayla laughed. 

"Exactly! He's crazy enough to join in on the plan!" Meggie said. 

Fenoglio was the man who wrote Inkheart, he was a bit bonkers, Meggie and Mo had read him into his own story and he lived there for a while. There he was known as Inkweaver because he wrote many songs for the folk there. 

Soon the two girls worked out their plan. Mrs. Riana was keeping Rosa's weapons in Elinor's cellar. Luckily, Meggie knew where Elinor kept all the spare keys. Now they needed to plan out how they were going to contact Fenoglio. Their plan? Send him an email with a link to the book online and an explanation of what they were doing. His reply and a new passage came back in a day, the email ended with a 'good luck'. The next night, Meggie and Kayla snuck into the cellar to retrieve the weapons. It was a success. 

Now the day had come. Kayla got into the clothes she had worn the day she was read out of the book. In the pocket of the cloak was the pouch of medicines that Galadriel had given her. She was set. 

Meggie locked the door of the spare room and turned to Kayla. 

"You ready?" She asked. 

"I am." Kayla nodded. 

Meggie nodded and cleared her throat, the newly written passage in her hand. But she paused. "Wait, what if I read out something gruesome?" 

"What came out when you and Farid went into the Inkworld?" Kayla asked. 

"Three fairies. One more because Gwin went in as well." 

"There are no fairies in Middle Earth. So a squirrel is most likely to come out in replace of me." Kayla said. 

"Okay." Meggie nodded. 

"Well then, read me in!" Kayla hurried her. 

Meggie cleared her throat again and began to read. Kayla didn't take any notice of what she was reading. The room began to fade away, blue skies replaced the ceiling. Kayla closed her eyes. The sound of Meggie's voice was soon gone. The heavy stomping of running feet was heard. She felt as though she was being jostled about. She opened her eyes and saw Uruk-Hai surrounded her, running across the lands of Rohan. Kayla was on the back of a Uruk-Hai, on either side of her was Merry and Pippin, also being carried on the backs of Uruk-Hai. 

'Fenoglio you idiot. Do you have to be this dramatic?'

A/N: First chapter of the second book! Woop Woop! Okay, so in this book, I won't really stick to the book because I have no access to it. So... Sorry.

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