Theoden's Healing.

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My eyes widened when we came to Edoras, it was a beautiful city. We entered the gates, where on the ground a fallen flag laid. A fallen flag is usually a sign of a fallen kingdom. 

As we walked through the town, people gave us strange looks, mostly to me. Armed women in men's clothing were extremely unusual. We arrived at the main doors of the castle and let two stable boys take our horses. Before we went up the steps Gandalf turned to me.
"I would put your hood up. If Grima Wormtongue sees that you're a woman, he'll order the guards to take you as a servant." I did as told, put my hood up, and followed the others up the stairs.

"Halt." The two guards stopped us from entering. "What business do you have to enter the king's home?"

"We are old friends of King Theoden and wish to see him if that is any problem." Replied Gandalf.

"I am afraid that the king can no longer tell the difference between friend and enemy. But I suppose it would not harm to pay your respects." The guard with reddish hair said. Gandalf nodded and began to enter. "But first, you will have to remove your weapons, by order of Grima Wormtongue." 

Gandalf looked back at us and nodded. We all gave our weapons to the men, then again began to enter. 

"Wait." The guard stopped us again. "The bag, and your staff." I rolled my eyes and handed them my bag. The guard looked at Gandalf. 

"Now you wouldn't part a man from his walking stick now would you?" Gandalf smiled innocently. 

"Very well then." The guards nodded and moved to the side. 

We entered the large doors, that closed behind us with such force as if we could never leave. King Theoden sat on his throne, except he looked very uncanny and sick. His face was wrinkled, his hair grey, his eyes foggy and weak. Next to him sat Grima Wormtongue. He was supposed to be trusted as the king's humble servant and steward but he's a bitter, unkind liar, and a traitor. He took one look at Gandalf and whispered something in Theoden's ear.

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow..." Theoden's voice was held back and whispy.

We stopped a little ways away from the steps to the throne. Many people were watching us. Grima said something to Theoden, turned to us, and spoke. 

"Late, is the hour, for justice to prevail." He approached Gandalf. "Ill news is an ill guest."

"Silence, keep your forked tongue behind your teeth, you witless worm." Gandalf snapped back raising his staff. Grima instantly recognized it to be magical. 

"The staff," Grima mumbled. "I told you to take his staff!" He shouted to the guards.  

Instantly people ran out and started attacking us, they were all idiots. I threw a punch at a man who came at me, knocking him to the ground. I think it hurt me more than it hurt him. Then someone grabbed the back of my hood and pulled it down, taking my hair with them. I let out a shout as my head pulled back. When I started to struggle against the man, his arm came around my shoulder and he held a knife to my neck. I stomped my heel onto his foot, only to cause him to put a bit more pressure on my neck. Then he let out a squeal. I glanced back to see that Legolas had the man's arm pinned to his back so that no one could make a move. 

"Do not even try." Legolas sneered.

I looked back to where Gandalf was, he was now approaching Theoden who sat defenseless on his throne. 

"Long have you sat in the darkness, old friend." Said Gandalf, raising his hand. "I release you." He made a swift hand movement, but nothing happened. 

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