So it Begins.

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Closer and closer, the army came. Raindrops began beating on my bare head. Soon the sound of marching came to my ears as the army of Orcs and Ura-Kai came closer. 

"You know, I think I can call this my first battle," I spoke up. "Moria doesn't count. We weren't with our own army and it wasn't planned." 

"It's gonna be quite the battle for ya then, Lassie." Said Gimli. "Let's hope we last the night." 

"It will be dramatic too. I mean, rain? Thunder? I'd say Mother Nature is giving herself a show." I joked.

The clanking of armor got louder as the army approached us, and stopped about ten feet away from the wall. We were at a standstill, waiting for someone to make the first move. The Uruk-Hai below began stamping their spears and weapons on the ground, creating a drumbeat that meshed with the rumbling thunder. Beside me, Gimli hopped to get a look over the wall. 

"What's happening out there?" He asked. 

"Shall I describe it to you?" Legolas looked down at him and I saw a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Or would you like me to find you a box?" 

Gimli stared at him speechless for a moment before he chuckled. I smiled at the moment of humor until the drumbeats and roars became louder. 

"Arrows at the ready!" I heard Aragorn call.

The men around us clumsily got out their arrows and aimed.  Legolas and I were the only ones who looked like we knew what we were doing. The only sounds heard were the clap of thunder, the rain pattering on metal, and Orcs shouting. No one was making any move, and we would've stayed like that if... If an old man at the far left tower hadn't let his arrow fly and kill an Orc. Everything went silent. 

"Hold!" Aragorn shouted. 

The Orcs started shouting and calling out. The battle had begun. 

"Ready!" Aragorn started. "Fire!" 

"Their armor is weak beneath the neck where they are exposed," Legolas tipped. 

Arrows went flying from left and right. The Orc army below began running to the walls and throwing spears. The boys threw their rocks and others threw spears. More Orcs went forward with ladders and swung them up. 

"Swords!" Aragorn shouted. I got out my sword and held it out in front of me.

"Yes!" Gimli cheered ready to kill some Orcs. 

I backed away from the wall and waited for the first Orc to appear. The minute I saw its head, I went forward and stabbed it through the opening in its helmet(A/N: I was seriously thinking of saying: "and shanked that little shit!") then kicked it down the ladder, taking down four others along the way. 

Other Orcs made their way to the wall and fought around us. Thankfully the torches around us had not snuffed out from the rain. 

"Legolas," Gimli exclaimed, "two already!" 

"I'm on seventeen!" Legolas replied.  

"Oh, so this is a contest now?" I asked, kicking an Orc trying to climb over the wall. "Well then, five! I mean six!" I corrected myself, watching the Orc fall to its death. 

"Nineteen!" Legolas shouted. I looked over to see a line of Orcs marching up to the main gate. People turned and started shooting at them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the Orcs placing down metal spheres in the sewage drain. Bombs. They were going to blow the wall. I got out my bow and aimed at an Orc running with a torch to ignite the bombs. I shot at him and hit his shoulder, but that wasn't stopping him.  

"Legolas! Help me!" I shouted taking aim. Legolas got to my side and we both were shooting at him. Maybe with to of us shooting, we can change what happens. 

I shot again and impaled the beast's chest, taking him down. 

"Lle ume quel!" Said Legolas. "You did well!" 


The celebration soon ended when I spotted another Orc running through the crowd with a torch. I should have known that fate would not let me change this one. The Orc threw the torch into the sewage gate. 

"Oh, God-" 

I was cut off by a loud explosion. Legolas quickly ran to me and shielded himself over me against the blast. But the powerful explosion knocked us down and rock splayed everywhere. My back hit the ground and I groaned. I thought that a rock was on top of me but when I opened my eyes it was Legolas. He pushed himself up with his arms and looked down at me while I gave him a wide-eyed stare. 

"Are you hurt?" He asked. 

"No, now get off," I responded.

He quickly realized himself and rolled over so that I could get to my feet. We stood and looked down at the damage below us. The wall had been blown to bits and created a gap in the stone. Thankfully, Legolas and I ended up on the side closest to the gate. Below, another wave of men were waiting behind the gates and were led by Aragorn to take on the Orcs. 

Legolas and I returned to shooting the Orcs at the gate, who now had a battering ram.  

Aragorn hailed my attention and pointed to the the front entrance of the keep and he ran inside. I met him inside with Gimli and we joined the men inside who were barring the door. Theoden was with them. 

"How much time do you need?" Aragorn asked him. 

"As much time as you can give us!" Theoden responded. 

We followed Aragorn through a side door and snuck around to a ledge where you could jump off to the ramp that led to the gate. The Orcs were oblivious to our presence. 

"Rosa; Gimli and I are going to jump across, you stay here and fire at the Orcs." Aragorn turned to us. I nodded. 

Aragorn looked around the corner, then looked at Gimli. "It's a long way." 

Gimli took a look for himself and leaned back against the wall. He hesitated before saying something under his breath. 

"Toss me." 

Aragorn raised an eyebrow. "What?" 

"I cannot make the jump, you have to toss me," Gimli repeated. Aragorn looked at me and I laughed. Aragorn put his arm around the Dwarf. 

"Wait," Gimli held up his hand, "don't tell the Elf." He looked at both of us. 

"My lips are sealed. Go!" I shouted. 

Aragorn tossed Gimli to the ramp and then jumped across himself. I shuffled to the edge and began shooting at the Orcs. Aragorn and Gimli killed all they could before Theoden called for a fallback. Legolas tossed down a rope to the two. Aragorn picked up Gimli and held onto the rope. 

Aragorn turned to me. "Go back inside, I'll meet you there."

"How can you be sure?!" I shouted as Legolas started pulling them back up. "What if you don't make it?"

"I will make it. I promise." Aragorn replied.

Who knows? Anything could change.

A/N: Another short chapter. I apologize. My goal is 10 or more chapters.

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