Prepare for Battle

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It wasn't a pleasant sight watching Rohirrium men pick elderly and young men from the caves and take them away. As soon as they were rounded up, we brought them to the armory and began handing around equipment. 

As I turned to hand a young boy and chain tunic, I heard his conversation with three other boys.  

"I'm not ready to fight. People are saying that we won't last the night." He said. "We are just boys, we cannot fight." The three other boys nodded in agreement. 

"And I am just a woman," I spoke up, taking another chain vest and handing it to an elderly man. 

The four boys looked at me as I turned to face them. 

"You are the Storyteller?" One of them asked. 

"If that's what you all call me now, then yes." I nodded. It wasn't a bad name. 

"Why aren't you down in the caves with the others? The women and children." Asked the boy who started the conversation. 

"I know my ways of combat, unlike other women, and we need all the help we can get," I explained. "Tell me, what are your names?"

"I am Tycyn, Son of Therion." Replied the first boy.

Another boy, with red hair, stepped forward. "Deonven, Son of Derinian." 

The third, who was a bit short, introduced himself. "I am Fanon, Son of Frone." 

The fourth, stayed where he was. "Orion, Son of Orthan." 

"I am Rosa of Bree. And I will tell you, that we have hope. If we fall tonight, we will fall with a fight." I handed them each a sword. "Have hope, young warriors." 

The four smiled and walked off, and I finished handing out equipment. I put on my armor, got my weapons, and met Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli in the main hall.

"Now let's hope Gandalf comes back soon with Eomer before anything bad happens." I said.  

"Or that he comes before the battle even begins," Aragorn added. King Theoden walked towards us. 

"It is nightfall, get lined up at the walls." 

We followed his command, like any person would do under a king. I followed Legolas up to the top of the walls, Gimli not far behind. Outside, men were already lined up with archers at the ready. All the boys were at the wall with rocks at their sides, ready to be thrown.
The three of us lined up with other archers, Gimli had his axe ready, the only time he would be able to kill anyone was if the army of Orcs were to get on the walls with us. Aragorn walked over to Legolas.

"I already told you, but I'm going to tell you again." He started. "Keep an eye on Rosa, don't let anything hurt her." 

"Do you believe that I would let an Orc poke her?" Legolas looked at Aragorn. Aragorn returned a suspicious look, then smiled. 

"You don't need to worry about me Aragorn. I will be fine." I assured them.  

"You never know. I will be nearby, commanding the archers." Aragorn finished. 

Thunder rolled in the distance. Then a strike of lightning lit up the air, casting light upon the large army ahead. They gave the allusion of black ants marching to their hill. But instead, these ones were marching to kill. 

"Rosa," Legolas began started. 


"Don't die."

A/N: I'm sorry I suck at writing long chapters. I. Am. Sorry.
Wow, I sound Canadian. Lol. 

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