The Rising Sun.

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I shut the side door behind me and ran to the main hall. Those who were still alive were barricading the doors with tables. The sound of snarling Orcs could be heard on the other side along with their attempts to break in. I joined in to help and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli ran in. Legolas helped me lift a table and lean it against the door. 

"So this is how it ends?" Theoden looked around. 

"How does it end?" Legolas asked me.

I looked at him in disappointment. "You know I can't tell you that." 

"I meant the story you were reading," Legolas said. "Beowulf." 

"Oh! Well, there are a lot of endings." I began and struggled to lift another table. 

"Does Beowulf defeat Grendel?" Legolas got on the other side and lifted it with me. 

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, gruesomely." 

Legolas tilted his head at me in wonder. "You enjoy that?" 

I laughed as we placed the table in front of the door. I wiped my hands on my pants and looked at Legolas. "The villain was defeated. Of course, I'm going to enjoy a gruesome death." 

Legolas smiled back at me and our heads turned to Aragorn as he ran over to Theoden. 

"You said the Keep wouldn't fall as long as you guarded it!" 

"What else is there to do? The Keep has fallen!" Theoden answered. 

I looked up at the window, to see that light was seeping through. 

"Aragorn, the sun is rising," I said. Aragorn looked to Theoden. 

"Ride. Ride out with me. We will end this fight." I went to Aragorn's side as he spoke. "Ride with all of us. Let the horn of Helms Deep sound again." 

"Yes!" Gimli agreed. 

Theoden nodded, Gimli ran up the tower steps that led to the horn of the Keep.
The horses had been kept in the keep, all wearing their tack and gear. We mounted our horses and got our swords ready.

The Orcs knocked down the door, Theoden let out a battle cry and we rode forward, either killing the Orcs with our swords or running them down with the horses. In no time we were out in the middle of the battlefield killing every Orc in our path. A horse's neigh filled my ears, I looked over, and upon the hilltop, was Gandalf on Shadowfax. Then Èomer rode up next to him. 

"Rohirrim!" Eomer shouted. The riders came up behind him. "Charge!" 

On cue the riders rode down the steep hillside, the Orcs lined up with their spears pointed toward them, but the rising sun blinded them, and the horses ran them down. I continued fighting until there were no Orcs left for me to slay. 

"To the Keep!" Theoden yelled. Everyone rode back to the Keep and got off their horses. 

I dismounted Sheika, ran to the cave entrance, and shouted: "We have won! We are safe!"

Eowyn was the first to come out, making sure everything was okay. Once she saw my face she embraced me in a tight hug, then turned back to the cave entrance and reassured them. She turned to me and handed me The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. 

"It's a good book. The children liked it." She smiled. 

"Thank you." I took my book back. 

"You better pack up, we're returning to Edoras as soon as possible." Aragorn appeared next to me. I turned to him. 

"And then we can find Merry and Pippin!"

Aragorn nodded. "Now hurry!"

I turned and made my way to my room, along the way I ran into Èomer. 

"Rosa! It's an honor to see you again!" 

"And to you!" I replied. "Your sister is over at the entrance to the caves," I added in. 

Èomer looked over to where I pointed then back at me. "Thank you." 

I continued my way to my bedroom and began to pack. 

The Fellowship's Silvertongue. Part 2.Where stories live. Discover now