The midnight man.

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The Midnight Game is an ancient pagan ritual that was used in the dark ages to punish those who broke the laws and tradition of the religion. Recently, the game has become popular with kids and teenagers on the internet, who perform the ritual to summon the midnight man. They do it as a dare or as a thrill-seeking exercise, little knowing how dangerous this ancient ritual really is.

WARNING: Do not play the midnight game. It is very dangerous. There is a very real chance of death for those who play the Midnight Game and there is an even greater chance that it will drive you insane. It is highly recommended that you DO NOT PLAY THE MIDNIGHT GAME. Seriously though don't. This is meant for entertainment and curiosity reading. You may die if you do it. 

Midnight Game Preparations

To play the midnight game, you will need: a large candle, a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, a box of matches or a lighter, a continer of salt, a needle or pin and a house with a wooden front door.

Midnight Game Instructions

Step 1: Write your name on a piece of paper. It must be your full name – first name, middle name and last name.

Step 2: Prick your finger and place a drop of blood on the piece of paper. Allow the blood to soak in.

Step 3: Turn off all the lights in your house and stand at your front door. The door must be wooden.

Step 4: Place the piece of paper in front of the door. Light the candle and place it on top of the piece of paper.

Step 5: At the stroke of midnight, knock on your front door 22 times. You must finish knocking before the clock moves to 12:01 AM.

Step 6: Open the front door and blow out the candle.

Step 7: Close the door again and immediately relight the candle.

You have just invited the Midnight Man into your home.

Now, the midnight game begins.

You must walk around the house in the dark with the lit candle in hand. Your goal is to avoid the Midnight Man at all costs until exactly 3:33 AM. If your candle goes out, it means the Midnight Man is near you. You have to relight the candle within the next ten seconds or the Midnight Man will get you. The candle is your only protection.

If you are able to relight the candle within this time, you can continue moving around the house, avoiding the Midnight Man.

If you are not able to relight the candle fast enough, you must immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt. You must remain within the circle of salt until 3:33 AM. The salt is your last line of defence. Do not step outside the circle of salt or the Midnight Man will get you.

If you make it to 3:33 AM without being trapped within the circle of salt, it means you have won the Midnight Game.

Whatever happens, the Midnight Man will leave at 3:33 AM and, if you are still alive, it is safe to go to sleep.

If you spend the entire game staying in the one spot, this will only result in the Midnight Man finding you. It is HIGHLY advised that you keep moving throughout the game.

Signs that the Midnight Man is nearby:

1. Your candle will blow out.

2. You will suddenly feel extremely cold.

3. You will hear a low whisper.

4. You will see the shadowy figure of a man in the darkness.

The Midnight Game Rules

DO NOT turn on any lights during the Midnight Game.

DO NOT use a flashlight during the Midnight Game.

DO NOT fall asleep during the Midnight Game.

DO NOT use another person's blood on the paper that bears your name.

DO NOT try to use a lighter instead of a candle. It will not work.

DO NOT attempt to provoke or anger the Midnight Man in ANY WAY.

It must be exactly 12:00 AM when you begin performing the ritual, otherwise it will not work.

Some final words of advice:

Do not play this game. There are many dangers involved. Summoning a spirit or inviting a ghost or demon into your home is incredibly dangerous. You could be abducted or become possessed. Running around with matches and candles in the dark is extremely dangerous. Do not burn yourself or set your house on fire. Pricking your finger and messing around with blood is dangerous. Do not allow yourself to come into contact with someone else's blood. You could catch a fatal disease. Finally, our advice to you is: Do not play this game. Remember the dead can't hurt the living but if the living mess with the dead they WILL do something about it.

Midnight Game Experiences

"I lit the candle and ran around the house, freaking out, for about ten minutes. Then, i heard a door slam somewhere and i admit i started crying. It had to have been about three hours and i hadn't seen or felt anything but an occasional chill. Then, what i imagine was about 3:30, i heard a huge crash in the upstairs bathroom. I freaked out and avoided it for a while then went in. As i went to go out i saw a silhouette and my candle went out. The guy was RIGHT THERE so i basically said 'screw it', threw my candle away and threw down the best salt circle in history ever made in the dark. I stood there, shivering my brains out, for about three minutes when i suddenly heard the front door open, and all of my friends ran into the house yelling for me. The lights all came on, and my friend looked at me, and i just collapsed. Scariest thing ever. I do NOT recommend playing the midnight game."

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