2 Stories

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Me and my friends were driving our bikes past Flickinger Elementary school with our children and all of us suddenly felt like a punch on our back and a pinch on our calves. We looked around and saw nothing. As the children were playing me and my two friends all heard a gentle screaming in our ear to get out. We suddenly got very scared and wanted to take our kids and leave, but then we took the major chance of scaring our children. So we decided that it must have just been our imagination.

My oldest (12 years old) was taking pictures, and she accidently took one of thin air. She just kept on taking pictures and didn't bother to delete it for it wasn't a big deal. That's when my friend pointed out that swings were moving the opposite direction of the wind, and that was the final line. We were leaving. At home I was looking at my kid's pictures, and the one with thin air had a pole in it. It looked like a ghost flying across it making the look of a cross. It must have been too hard for naked eyes to spot. Me and my family now believe in ghost because of that spine tingling moment picture


Years ago I lived I a home on Rosalie Lane, in a huge split-level home off Versailles Road behind Keeneland. I never believed in ghosts until I saw multiple ghosts in this house. I never investigated to see who they were, but they never harmed me. I fell asleep a lot in the ''great room'' and would wake up in the wee hours, seeing different things on several occasions. The rocker beside the couch I was lying on was dented in and rocking. One time I looked over to the ''wet bar,'' and someone was making drinks, but no one else was in the house. One time I heard footsteps coming up the hallway, also hearing a sound like they were carrying glasses with ice tinkling in them. The sounds stopped at the door. I went to the door and opened. No one was there. One time I got up and went up the split level steps to the kitchen to get a glass of water and noticed a black silhouette of a girl to my right heading towards the kitchen from a different room. The light had been left on in the kitchen, so when I entered from my room and looked over, no one was there. I ducked back out and looked to where I'd seen the girl, and no one was there. I would also hear doors opening and closing, but they weren't really. Also one time, the doorbell went off, and all the lights flashed for about 10 seconds. Someone said it could be a power surge, but that had never happened before or since. My young son also complained about a black shadow of a man hovering over him in his room when he was trying to go to sleep. His windows were locked shut, and I was the only other adult in the house. I had a night light in his room, but he was so scared, so I had to sit in his room when I put him to bed until he fell asleep. I never saw this black figure of a man, but I knew I'd seen other ghosts, so I never doubted his story. We sold the house, (this was many years ago) and someone else lives there now. I am tempted to go ring the bell and ask if they've seen any ghosts!.


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