Maple grove cemetery.

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Maple Grove Cemetery is a haunted graveyard near Vermillion, Ohio. It is home to a famous cursed statue that is known as the "Death Angel". The strangest thing about this statue is that its head and hands have been chopped off.

In Maple Grove cemetery, there is a damaged and ruined statue of an angel that stands guard over one of the graves. The angel is slightly larger than a full grown person, but it has no head or hands.

According to the legend, there was a woman named Alice who lived in the area years ago and she had a young daughter. For some reason, one dark and stormy night, Alice murdered her only daughter. Nobody knows why the woman would do such a thing, but afterwards, she was overcome by grief.

Filled with remorse and regret, she buried her daughter in Maple Grove cemetery and had a large statue of an angel erected over the girl's grave. The statue was of a white angel and its face bore a sad and melancholy expression.

The mother fell into a deep depression and she was wracked with guilt for the rest of her short life. She was never able to get over the horrible crime she had committed and slowly went insane. A few years after the death of her daughter, Alice took her own life. She was buried in the grave next to her daughter, under the watchful eye of the Dark Angel.

Not long after the woman's death, local people in the area began to notice strange and inexplicable events. Some folks who passed by the cemetery at night claimed that the eyes of the angel would appear to follow them as if it were alive. Farmers began finding their cattle and livestock slaughtered in the fields. They said the animals had been torn apart in a horrible fashion.

One morning, some people noticed that the angel statue had dark red stains all over its hands and mouth. It appeared to be fresh blood. Suspicious locals focused their attention on the Dark Angel. They started spreading rumors that the evil spirit of Alice was condemned to live for eternity in the statute as punishment for her sins.

They came to believe that her vengeful spirit was inhabiting the angel statue and causing it to leave its place in the cemetery at night and fly across the countryside attacking and killing livestock in an attempt to satisfy her rage. It was also rumored that if you climbed up on to the angel's back she would give you a ride through hell.

After weeks of finding butchered animals in the fields, and rumors running rampant through the community, the locals finally had enough. They entered the graveyard and sawed off the statue's hands and wings.

After this, the killings of livestock ceased and people who visited the graveyard noticed that rusty streaks appeared on the angel's face, running down the cheeks like tears. They said that it was the tormented soul of the mother weeping for her sins.

The angel statue was said to be cursed and if you stared into its eyes they would glow and you would die shortly afterwards. The legend also stated that anyone who desecrated the statue would meet an untimely death. One night, some kids went into Maple Grove cemetery and vandalized the statue, cutting off its head. The next day, they died in a car crash and the severed head of the angel was found lying in the back seat.


Now an update on my other work "I'm afraid" 

If you have read this then you know that I was being haunted after playing the red book game(( which I stupidly did)). So If you have read the comments on it you will see that I managed to get out of it but I still feel like I am still in the game. I have woken up at 2:00-3:00 A.M. For the past few weeks and I see shadowy figures in my hallways. So, I was stupid just letting you know that and to not play games with spirits even if you think it is harmless((like i did)) you may not like the outcome. 


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