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Laugh is a story about a obscure dream that leaves a girl mentally insane for life.

Where was she?

A room ,a small boxed in room with one window. The light coming from it was grey. It gave off a very gloomy and sad feeling.

She looked down then up. Then looked ahead of her. A single mirror with wooden edges was in front of her. A woman? No, she was not human.

Her hair was dark covering her face. The woman screamed suddenly. The girl jumped back. Arms seemed to reach out from he mirror. They were red and bruised and wrinkled. The girls face was painted with fear.

She ran to the door but it seemed to be going farther away as she got nearer to it.

The girl finally grabbed the knob of the door. She twisted and turned the knob but it wouldn't unlock.

Her heart was beating faster and faster as if it was going to explode.

The woman was out of the mirror now standing with a long white dress coved in a remanence of blood.

The woman came closer and closer until their forehead's touched. The woman's eyes were a faded black. Her face was bruised and ugly and her breath was warm.


The girl woke up in cold sweat. Her tears drenched her pillows. She was too afraid to look into the mirror or go to the bathroom.

A few days later the police got a phone call of her not attending school or work. She never answered her calls or answered her door.

The police went to her house and broke the door. The girl was in a corner laughing hysterically. All the mirrors were broken around her. She had scratched her face so much it bled and bruised. She kept on repeating the same thing.

"Don't look in her eyes. "

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