Haunted school.

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OThe Haunted School is a true ghost story about a schoolhouse in Newberryport, Massachusets that was haunted by the ghost of a murdered boy.

Many years ago, there was a small school house for poor children in Newberryport, Massachusets. The school was overcrowded and became a dumping ground for special needs kids and kids with behavior problems. In those days, teachers were very strict and often dealt out harsh discipline.

One day, a young boy did something wrong in class. The teacher flew into a rage, severely beating him and locking him in the basement of the building. The boy was left there the entire day and students were ordered to ignore his cries and moans. When the school day ended, he was helped home by his friends, but later that night, the boy collapsed and died. The teacher didn't suffer any consequences for his part in the boy's death and it was all hushed up.

A few years later, the school had a new teacher, a young woman named Miss Perkins. Rumors began to circulate around the town that the school was haunted. One morning, as the schoolboys were reciting their prayers, the room was filled with deafening rapping sounds. Someone was pounding on the school's door, but when Miss Perkins went to answer it, there was nobody there.

Every day a mysterious yellow glow spread silently over the classroom and a burst of cold air swept through the school. The students and the teacher began to feel weak and ill but they tried to ignore it. Sometimes, they would hear a low-pitched laugh. The eerie sound echoed in the tiny classroom.

The lid of the wood stove would suddenly float into the air, only to come crashing down with a loud bang. The bell on the teacher's desk would also float up into the air and ring by itself as the students watched in amazement. The janitor was so frightened, he refused to enter the building.

One day, during lessons, Miss Perkins called on a student to stand up and read a passage from a book. In the middle of a sentence, the child suddenly stopped and pointed. There was a disembodied hand floating in the air.

As they watched in horror, a figure gradually materialized. It was a young boy with his arm upraised. The ghostly boy stood there silently, his face and jaw bound in a white cloth as though he had been injured. Then, as Miss Perkins reached out to try and touch him, he slowly vanished before their eyes.

Miss Perkins tried to calm her students down and tell them it was only their imagination, but the children were terrified. The supernatural happenings took a toll on her nerves and eventually wore her down. She was sent on a vacation, and her duties at the school house were permanently given to another teacher.

The haunting inexplicably stopped and the schoolhouse was plagued no more. To this day the strange events have never been explained.

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