♡Chapter 5♡

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*the next day*
Bre's POV
We had to get up and go to school, of course we didn't want to go, who wants to go to a stupid ass place where you feel judged and alone sometimes? hey I know who..Not me! we were moving slow as molasses until dad said, "hurry up, cause if yall miss that bus, yall walking to school" "what?!" I said "you heard me" dad said "bruh it got a whole car out there, why we gotta get on the bus" bee said "cause I said so" dad said walking out the house to go to work. Bee and I made faces behind his back. "I saw that" he said I don't know how but he did. When we got situated we walked to the corner to wait for the bus. We saw Dylan and I started smiling hard as hell for no reason. Minnie peeped that and told me to chill. "Good morning ladies" he said smiling "Morning dyl" we said the bus pulled up and surprisingly it wasn't packed but people still stared at us like we were aliens bee found a seat to the back and Minnie sat with her and I sat with Dylan. He had his headphones in his ears looking out the window. Minnie was looking at somebody's weave in disgust and bee was texting away. When the bus pulled up to school I got hella nervous. When we got off the bus we went to the office to get our schedules, sadly we only had 3 classes together, and we were on our own for the other 3. I went in the library to pick up my textbooks while bee and Minnie went to the bathroom.
"Bre!" said some girl running up to me. "Um, hey!" I said "Sasha, fam you forgot about me?!" She said smiling "no, girl you glo'd up!" I forgot we had family out here, I haven't seen them since I was little. "Well shit you know me!!! Thanks girl so did you!" She said laughing and flipping her hair. "Aye we got the same schedule!!" She said looking at my schedule "yay!" I said walking out the library with them heavy ass books. Bee and Minnie were sitting alone at a table Sasha and I sat by them. "Dylan, where these classes at?" Bee asked while Dylan was passing by the table "you got the same schedule as me just follow me" "iight thanks Dyl" bee said "no problem" he said mugging me cause I didn't text him back yet "I know what that face means" Sasha said "text that man back! Stop stunting" Minnie said getting up to throw away her poptart wrapper. "You heard em" Dylan said chuckling "hush!" I said "I'm sick of you!" Bee said since I stole her phrase.
Dylan invited us to his table, we went over there and clowned until it was time for first period. We went our separate ways, I felt so strange when I walked in my first period, trigonometry. "Good morning young lady, what's your name?" The teacher asked as soon as I walked in "good morning, I'm Brianna" "I'm mr. Johnson have a seat by Sasha" he said I went to my seat and watched as the rest of the class walked in. Their eyes went to me. "bruh what the hell" I said to Sasha mean mugging all the people staring at me "don't worry bout them fam" she said doing the bell work.
"This is gonna be a long ass day" I thought to myself as I copied the problem in my notebook.
*skips to lunch*
Pryce's POV
I hated Mondays everything went by so slow! It's only lunchtime and we still have 3 classes left! I went got my lunch and sat down at our table and waited for everybody else. Of course the guys and I allowed the girls to sit with us, they're our homies now, we couldn't have them sitting alone. "hey p dot!" Bee said sitting down "hey bee, why didn't you get lunch?" I asked "I did I threw it away that mystery meat growled at me" she said opening a Powerade. I laughed at her "man forreal!" She said chuckling. Bre came to the table after bee "where's Minnie?" She asked sitting down "in her skin" Bee said "shut up!" Bre said biting her apple. Dylan and Jawan came to the table after a few minutes arguing about basketball like always. "Y'all can't beat me so shut up!" I said "head ahh" Dylan said "bro you're so childish" I said "face ahh" Jawan said "anyways..." I said trying to change the subject "Pryce, you never texted me back!" said a voice from behind me, "new phone, who this?" I said turning around "fuck you Pryce!" said Raven "when?" "Ugh! Just text me, hey y'all, bye y'all" she said walking away "interesting" Dylan said "that's my bestfriend" "sure it is" Jawan and bee said at the same time.
After a while the bell rang and we went to class we had a pop quiz, isn't that great?!
A/N I'm back bihhhh!!!! I made this kinda long but whatever. What y'all think so far? more coming soon ! Excuse any mistakes
I haven't been updating cause of school and finals coming up and ish, so yeah but anyway VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW(on here and other social media that's in my bio) & CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES I'm done talking imma go be petty now

Queen Petty❤️

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