How you met... Dimitri

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You were doing your daily run like every other day, but something was different. You were sad, very sad and tears were falling from your eyes. Your shitty boyfriend Jesse just cheated on you! Worse, he said it was an "accident". Yeah, an "accident" with the bitch of your school! Tasha was known to sleep with everything that could walk, but you never thought she could steel YOUR boyfriend, because she was Lissa's boyfriend's cousin,so she kinda was in the family, even if you both could not smell each other.

After forty minutes or so of running, you ran in a very tall guy that could be around 6"7'. His hair was chin length, brown and worn in a low ponytail. He was very muscular. Like, very ,very muscular,but it didn't seem too much. It was like he had to be for some reason. When he turned around, your heart stopped. He was pretty good-looking. Okay, more than good-looking, he was hot.  Like the kind of hot that makes you stop walking on the street and get hit by the traffic. His eyes were chocolate-brown and you knew that if you didn't looked away right now, you would end up lost in them.

"Sorry Miss, I didn't see you coming" He said with a thick accent you couldn't quite identify.

"Oh no, it's okay, I was lost in my thoughts. My name is ____ by the way. "

" Hello ____, mine's Dimitri."

There was a silent for a moment,and a few minutes later, you both said bye and went your way. You finished your run shortly after that, mostly because you weren't able to focus on it, some tall guy would not leave your mind.

The next days, you did your runs at the exact same place at the exact same time, just so you could saw him again. He was there every day, even the Sunday, when just a few were out, because of the rain that was falling down. As the days passed, you felt the need to talk to him becoming stronger and someday, you just did. You talked for like thirty minutes while running, and after you went to a small coffee shop where you would be able to finish your discussion. As the hours passed, you learned a lot about him, like the fact that he is Russian. You could now identify his beautiful accent and he learned a lot about you too. He gave you his phone number and you gave him yours.

So this is what the book is gonna be like! I will do more how you met, one more for Mason, Christian, Eddie and a last one for Adrian. After, I will probably do first kiss or date! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you as soon as i can! If you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment!

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