How you met... Mason

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You were always in for a party ,but that night you weren't in the mood. Even if it was the last day of summer and your older-by-one-year brother threw one of his party (your bro's parties were always awesome! All your friends were there and you were sure to end up drunk in the pool after a night full of fun), you were more feeling like relaxing in your bedroom for a last time before you move in your college dorm than partying with your and your brother's friends. It's after a little discussion with your best friend that you agreed to go. So there you were, standing near the pool, talking with one of your friend named Josh, more thinking about your comfy bed than the discussion you were having.

- Earth to ____, Josh chuckled.

-Oh sorry, I was

-Lost in your mind, He finished for you.

- Yeah..

- Go to your room ____. I know you don't want to be here. I'll cover you if anyone ask where you are.

You laughed, knowing that by anyone, he meant Cass, your best friend, who also happened to be his ex-girlfriend.

-Thanks Josh, you are the Best!!

-You're welcome.

You hugged him and you left hearing him chuckle, surely because of your happiness of leaving the party.

An hour or so later, you decided to go grab some chocolate chips cookies and a tea in the kitchen. There was a little problem though. The cookie box was on the higher tablet of the pantry and you were too little to grab it. Damn your littleness! You were about to loose hope and go back to your room, when a red haired guy appeared.

-Need some help?

-yeah... The cookie box is too high for me.

You pointed him the box and he gave it to you.

- There it is!

- Thank you... You realized that you didn't know his name. Whoever you are.

-Mason. And you are...

- ____

- Sorry to ask, but why do you want the cookies? There's plenty of food outside and I'm not sure that Will (Your brother) would appreciate us stealing his cookies...

Yeah, your brother and his cookies... Always have been a relation full of possessiveness.

-I'm actually his little sister and I'm bored of his party...And I always had loved to kill my brother's relationship with the chocolate chips cookies, you laughed.

You talked a little more with Mason and you finally asked him if he wanted to continue to talk somewhere else.

-So, Mase, do you want to continue our discussion in my room, so we can actually hear what we say?

- Hum,okay, he answered.

When the party ended, a few hours later, Mase and you had learned lot about each other and you both agreed to meet at a small cafe in a few days.

That night, you went to bed and dreamed about what could have happened if you had let your heart lead the discussion...

Hope you liked it! Next week it's gonna be Adrian's How you met! Don't forget to comment and vote!! see you soon.


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