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His for you: your russian name, milaya
Yours for him: comrade, dimka, russian god

His for you: your nickname +ie, because he knows you don't like it and find it funny and cute
Yours for him: Sparky, pyro, neary anything who is in the family of fire, because he puts fire to EVERYTHING!

His for you: hon, he knows how much you find people saying hon stupid so he started using it to mess with you. Now, you like it, not that you would tell him.
Yours for him: ginger, when he started calling you hon, you started calling him ginger.

His for you: babe, sexy,beautiful, anything he thinks you are
Yours for him: baby, you like it, because he has a big ego so when you use it in public he blushes.

His for you: princess, he thinks you should be royalty, not those stupid royals (exept a few like liss, sparky...)
Yours for him: prince, for the same reasons.

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