First kiss... Mason

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When you met Mason at your bro's party, you didn't thought about the possibility that he could attend to the same college as you. Even more, that he could be in one of your class. And even more, sit right next to you. Maybe he is the reason why you didn't hate history as much as you used to. Maybe it was because of him , okay the hours you passed studying with him, that you had a good mark in it. Maybe you were falling in love with him. And you surely weren't about to acknowledge it to yourself either.

"____,  did you passed?" Mase asked you when you received the final exams during class.

"I uhmm. I-I think I" you were acting as you didn't but in fact...

"You did it! OMG _____ You nailed it! I am so proud of you!" Mase yelled after he took your exam of  hands.

"Mr. Ashford, care to share your excitement with the whole class?" Ugh. Alto, the teacher,was a real pain in the ass. Always searching a new way to humiliate his students.

"Yeah, sure! ____ just had 91% on her final exam so if anyone wanna"

"Mase! Shut up!" You whispered to him not wanting anyone except your closest friend at the "party".

"So if anyone wanna come grab a drink with us tonight, we will be at Joe's."

By the end of his sentence, you were laughing so hard you couldn't breath. There was only Mase to reply to Stan like that, well except you when you weren't occupy to laugh your ass off.

"Detention Ashford! And bring ____ with you!" Stan angrily said before continuing the class.

"Come Mase, before he change my mark."

Detention always had been the most boring place in the whole word,even more than Stan's class, thanks to Mase.
The supervisor  gave you each a ton of work than left the local.

"So ____ do you want to leave? 'Cauz it's really boring here."

"You are reading my mind" you smirked.

With that you left the detention local.

After a long debate to choose the movie you were gonna watch at his place, Mase finally won. He choose a horror movie just to annoy you, because he knows you hate them. You actually didn't mind, you would have a good reason to hide your face in his shoulder. The movie turned out to be really more scary than what you first thought and even with Mason, you couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm gonna go Mase"

"It's okay ___, nothing will happen to you" He sweetly said.

"I know, but-"

"Don't be ____, I'll protect you for everything"

This simple sentence made your heart beat really faster and butterflies flying in your stomach. You knew he meant to protect you from the movie, that he doesn't knew what it meant to you, but you couldn't help it.

"Thanks Mase. You're a good friend."

Monsters were everywhere,trying to kill everyone. Blood was spilled, heads were chopped and bodies were exploding. Life was disappearing. Death was invading. People screamed. Fear was in everyone's eyes. Goodbyes on every lips. At some point it just became too much, you couldn't take it. All this death, how could Mase enjoy it? How could he not be scared?

"___??? ____??? Are you okay??" Mason asked with a voice full of worries.

"I'm scared Mase" you were shaking " I'm scared"

"It's okay ____ just focus on me. Okay?"


He continued talking and reassuring you, but it didn't help.

"Fuck it" he mumbled " I'm gonna do it" he seemed to talk to himself at this point. You didn't understood what he was talking about, so when he kissed you, you were stunned. When you finally kissed him back, you felt a smile grew on his lips.

Sorry guys!!! I know it has been a while since I last updated but here's a new one!!! I was really occupied with school, christmas, family, new year... Hope you forgive me... Love you


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