First kiss... Dimitri

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It has became a routine for you to run every day,  or at least three times a week, with Dimitri.  Since you met him, two months ago, in October, you grew very close to him. You were like best friends, even though you couldn't stop wanting  to be a little more than that for him. So there you were, running next to your more-than-just-a-crush-best-friend, examining  him.  The cold weather made his cheeks turn a little red and his pretty ,too much for your own good, lips pinker. The wind was making his hair fly. The view of him was just amazing. Suddenly, you were sitting on the cold hard ground. You just ran into a big oak and fell, graciously as a snow flake (or not), on your butt.

- "Looks like someone should watch where she's going" Dimitri smirked at you.

- " Shut up Comrade!"

-" You know that calling me Comrade is something that I found cute, not annoying or frustrating or scary. Right?" He laughed

-" ... Just shut up and help me get up!"

-" Just after I finish to laugh!" He said while laughing is ass off.

After what felt like eternity, he finally helped you get up, but not before taking a pic of you.

-" Not funny Dimitri!"

- "In my point of view, it's actually real funny, look at the pic!"

He showed you the picture and it was nice! You were sitting on the ground, looking up to him with a smile on your face and all your hair messed up. Yeah, a good pic.

-" I am so ugly on it!"

- " No you are not Roza. You are beautiful on it." He calmly said.

You didn't like him calling you Roza. Okay, it was sexy and made you fell in love all over again, but there is the problem! He surely didn't love you back! And telling you that you were beautiful was making you just... You didn't think there's a word for it.

-" Earth to ____!"

-" Hum sorry."

- "Don't be, not with me" Dimitri softly said.

Did he know what his words did to you? Was he aware of it? Did he felt the same as you? Ugh, you hated your feelings. Too much complicated.

-" okay, thanks. Wanna continue the run?" You said, kinda breaking the moment.

-" Sure" He awkwardly said. It was kinda weird, because normally, Dimitri wasn't ever feeling awkward. Did he felt the moment too? ______ stop! He doens't love you back!

After the run, before you could have left, he offered to walk you home. A few minutes before being at your place, you looked at him and found him not sad nor lost in his thoughts, but a mix of it.

-" You okay Comrade?"

He laughed a bit then said that he was okay.

The walk went on for a few minutes before one of you talked again.

-" Actually, no. I don't feel okay. I humm I want to tell you something..."

- "yeah? What?"

-" It is very personal, probably the most personal thing I ever said in my life..."

Oh god! He wasn't going to tell you he loved you, right?

-" ugh. Why can't I say it!" He said to himself, seemingly frustrated by it. He took a deep breath, then continued.

-" okay. ____ , I really like you. I love you and I know you probably don't feel the same. I would understand if you just see us as friend." He said then turned around and walked away. You were stuck in place. He loved you back! He really loved you back! You ran to him, and called out his name.

-" Dimitri!"

-" Leave me alone ____. You don't need to say that you don't love me back I know and- you shut him up by crashing your lips on his. The kiss began slowly and became passionate.

-" wow, it was better than I imagined" you breathed.

-" yeah me too" He agreed. "So you do love me back?" He asked awkwardly.

-" Yeah! Why would I kiss you if I didn't?"

He chuckled then kissed you again, this time slow and full of love and meanings.

Hope you liked it! Sorry, I update a little late, but there it is! Comment your impressions and vote if you liked it! Love you


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