Feeling depressed

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Dimitri: you had been down for the last few days and you could not come to see the light at the end of the tunnel. When he found you crying on your bed, your face burried in your pillow, he came in the bed, led down and started to hug you. He told you that every thing is gonna be ok and that you shouldn't worry. He is always gonna be there for you and won't go away unless you told him to.

Christian: when all your friends abandonned you, you were very sad and you couldn't live anymore... You were about to use the razor blade when he came in the bathroom. You told him that you weren't worth his help, that you were trash and fat and ugly, but he did not listen to you. He told you you were worth every stars in the whole galaxie. Them, he brought you to bed and cuddled you to sleep.

Mason: Sometimes, life is just hard, friends are being shitty and all you can do is see the negative part of everything. Mason is always the one who is gonna reassure you that you are gonna be fine, that you are better off without your friends if they make you feel like trash. When you weren't as depressive, he would make some jokes
to light up your moid and bring your beautiful smile on your face.

Adrian: When you are depresse, Adrian is the most perfect boyfriend in the whole world. He would complimente you, make you laugh, give you chocolate and cuddle. Whatever was on plan is throw off and reschedule for when you are feeling better.

Eddie: Whenever you feel down or sad, Eddie would invite your bestfriend and make you pass the better day as possible. Then, when your BFF is gone, he would tell you to drop your façade and would cuddle with you and play with your hair untill you fall asleep.

Sorry for not updating in so long... I just had a lot going on at school and at home. Thankfully, I have some very good friends who helped me get threw this and lit up my bad days! Thanks Ari<3

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