How you met... Eddie

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Six AM... You still had the time to go to the gym before work, you told yourself as you entered your car. The gym wasn't very far from your little apartment, maybe four or five minutes. By six twenty, you were at the nearly empty gym, ready to work out.

It had been harder that morning to wake up, because you were going to have a little dinner with your boyfriend (that you hated), your bestie and her soon to be ex tonight. Yeah, she wanted to break up with him in two days, just before she left for Canada because of her job. Tonight would be a very awkward and loveless moment. You were surely going to have an argument with Tyler, your boyfriend, and your best friend would be mad at her boyfriend for being an ass. She won't say it like that, but it would be the reason, you just knew it.

Anyway, as you were lifting some weights, you realized that a boy of your age was starring at you?

-Liking what you see?

-Yeah, the sunrise is amazing, he laughed, pointing at the window behind you.

-I don't know if I should laugh or cry. You smiled

- If I was you, I would laugh, because you crying would kinda end the discussion we are having, he smirked

- Hahahaha, you "laughed"

By seven thirty, when you were suppose to leave to go to work, you were still talking with Eddie, the guy you just met, so you said bye and told him that you could see each other at the gym same hours the next day and he said yes. You could already see you two as very good friend!

The rest of the day was as boring as any other day and when the time when Tyler picked you up for dinner came, you had a nice dress and a big fake smile on your face, ready to go.

At the restaurant, your bestie and you made all the discussion and your boyfriends were ignoring each other, due to the little fight they had a few days ago. One and a half hour later, your best friend's boy friend wanted to leave, so he kinda obligated your bestie to leave with him, but she didn't want to. She wanted to spend one of her last nigh in the states with you, so after a little debate with him, she broke up with him. She wasn't sad at all about it, since she didn't like him and found him annoying. He reacted very badly though. He started to scream and almost hit her, so you left with her, abandoning the boys without any regrets.

The next day, when you arrived at the gym, Eddie was already there.

- Hey _____ how was your dinner yesterday? He asked

-Ugh, don't talk to me about it!

- So, bad it was, he laughed.

- You can't begin to imagine!

- Actually, I can

- Hum why???

- I was kinda there too...

- Hein? Why didn't I saw you?

- I was in the kitchen, I work there...

- It's nice! I'll go there more often then!


It was silent for a few minutes when he asked you why you were still with your boyfriend, because it was obvious that you didn't like him. His words, not yours but they were true and you didn't know what to respond to them.

- Look, I don't know why I am still with him, but I remember why I was with him at first so I guess it is because of that...

-Don't worry I understand what you are saying. It's the same with my girlfriend.

-I'm sorry for you

-me too

You didn't know if he was sorry for you or for him, but anyway you would be there for him because he is a good friend.

I hope you liked it! Don't worry, you will still end up with him, i just wanted to do a friends to lovers story! Hope you will like it! Don't forget to vote and comment! I probably won't post tomorrow, but I updated two times this week so yeah... Btw, thanks to my friend Fan_Girl13_ For the idea of the chapter, because I didn't really had one for  Eddie! She is the best so go follow her and read her stories! They are amazing (particularly Invisible) and all are Romitri related.
Love you


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