How you met... Adrian

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Wow. This painting is amazing.  You thought for the eleventh time this evening. At the moment, you were at an art exposition, in front of a really interesting piece of art. It was in shades of gray, with some flashy red accents on it. You believed it represented a flower but you weren't so sure... Maybe it was an apocalyptic vision or even just something very creative, but you didn't care. It was the reason why you liked art. Everyone could think a different thing about a painting, and all could be right.

As you moved to the next  painting, you tripped on your long dress, yes you were that clumsy, and fell on a tall man. You excused yourself and just continued the visit. The next painting was more colourful than the precedent, but you found it a lot darker. For you, it represented pain and death as you wish to no one to experiment. For you, it represent broken hearts and lots of tears. It kinda shut your mood down. So much sad memories of your past in a painting painted by a stranger.   As much as you wanted to move to the next artwork, you couldn't. You were stuck there, standing in front of this full-of-memories piece of work. An unknown voice suddenly said something.

-You like it?

- Actually, I don't, too much memories.

- Yeah... I understand the feeling... So much pain and destruction in it. I usually like this type of art, but it's too colourful for the message I receive from it. It's like the painter wanted to say that pain was good.

Wow. How could someone express your thoughts better than you? It was soooo deep and at the same moment so true. Pain cannot be darker than when it's colourful.

-I agree with you. He said

What?!? Did you actually said that it was so deep and true and that pain cannot be darker than when it's colourful?

- Did I actually said that out loud?

- Sure, but don't worry it was not weird... It was rather inspiring.

At this moment, you decided to look at your  interlocutor and gosh, was he sexy. His brown hair, green eyes, pale skin and muscularly-ish shape was just mind blowing. And damn was he tall. Everyone was quite tall beside you, but he was tall. He was also the man you fell on a few moments ago. A little shy because of the starring and the fact that you actually FELL on him, you blushed.

- Like what you see? He smirked.

-Not particularly, you lied, I just realized your the person I fell on... Sorry for that... You said shyly.

- No need to worry with that. Little girl.

- My name is not little girl!

- I don't know your name so it is for me!

- My name is still not little girl!
Damn you hated to be called little! You knew it and it was enough.

- So what's your name?

- Why would I tell you?

- Maybe so I can stop call you little girl.

- Hummmm... Maybe.  What's your name?

-Adrian, Adrian Ivashkov.

-Cool name.

-So what's yours?

- I didn't remember saying I would tell...

- Okay, okay! I understand.

After that moment. The discussion continue for the whole night. You talked about art, opinion, perspective and basically just life in general. At the end of the event. You were both about to leave when you drop it.

-_____, my name is ____. If you care to know.

- Nice to meet you _____. Hope to see you soon. Maybe you could come to my art gallery one day...

-Yeah, sure, could be fun to see your face again, you smiled.

- Bye _____

- Bye Adrian.

And on that, you left, already planning next week end's activities. Maybe a certain Adrian would see your pretty little face again... Who knows?

Hey!!! It's me! (A little early:))
Hope you liked it??? By the way thank you sooo much you for the hundred readers! It is soooo nice to see that my work is interesting a few! Next week it is gonna be Eddie!  Did you liked the TMI reference? Should I make more reference of any kind or stop? What do you guys prefer? Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked! And message me If you have any request or suggestion for this story!

-Fred :)

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