Thelie Gets Hurt

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(Fall 16)

(Hikari POV)

I stared at the ceiling as the dawn rolled around. I couldn't shake this awful feeling in my chest. I glanced at the clock. I saw it was already well past seven. Hikari must not need me today. Something in my gut told me that it was a good idea to go see the Wizard. I couldn't just lay here and wonder what he was thinking any longer. I rose and brewed some coffee. He liked coffee...maybe it would help. I poured some in a small canteen and set out to go see the Wizard. I walked down to harmonica town and found myself staring at the door. My stomach was twisting and turning. It was almost as if it didn't want me to knock. I finally sucked in a breath and knocked on his door. His door swung open almost instantly as if he was waiting on the other side.

"Good morning Wizard, I brought you coffee!"

I had closed my eyes due to nervousness. After a few seconds of no reply, I opened my eyes. He had an empty look in his eyes. The emptiness suddenly turned into a fiery rage. He lashed out smacking the container from my grip.

"Go away...I don't ever want to see you again...elf."

I could hear the venom in his voice. I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. He went to slam the door but my words stopped him.

"Thank you..."

He looked back at me confused.


"For showing me that happily ever after is just a dream I never had or ever will."

I bowed to him and turned to run away yet again. He stood in his door way and watched me go. I wasn't sure where I was running to. I found myself at the Carpenter's door. I reached down under the mat and pulled out a key. I opened the door and replaced the key under the mat. I walked to Luke's door and knocked. He answered and I threw my arms around him.

"Whoa, what's this Thelie? What's with the water works?"

"I had a nightmare...everyone was gone...I just...needed to see you."

"Oh alright...well don't worry I'm still here and I still love you..."

I sniffled and nodded. I turned to go out the front door but his words stopped me.

"Hey we should have lunch tomorrow."

"Ok Luke...goodbye..."

I opened the door and began my walk home. I felt awful lying to Luke like that. I hiccupped and stared at the ground as I walked. I heard my name and turned to see Calvin and Owen waving to me. I waved back and turned to jog away. I got home in no time. I gather my things into my suitcase. I wrote out some notes. I left one on my dresser. I also took off the pale blue moon stone and lay it beside the note. The other two notes I pinned to the front door. I took one last look at my home and ran into Fugue Forest. I lost myself in the very depths of the forest. I slept under a tree until the next day came.

(Fall 17)

Hikari went to Thelie's house that morning. She wanted to see if Thelie was ready for her next house upgrade. She was somewhat late in waking her but better late than never. She walked up to the door and pulled the letters down. She opened the one addressed to her.

Dear Hikari

I am sorry for leaving with no notice, but I couldn't stay there any longer. Something came up and I had to leave. There was nothing you could do to help. Please understand that none of it was your fault. You have been a perfect friend to me since I came here during summer. Thanks so much for the friendship you gave me. Please apologize extensively to Owen and Julius for me. Of course apologize to everyone else as well.

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