Akatsuki meet up

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"I see you made it with the jinchuuriki quickly!" Said a weird-faced-shark-man-thing!

"Yea....no problems here" Itachi replied

"LET ME GO!!!" As I continued kicking and screaming ever since we left sasuke. They both ingored me.

"Huuuummmm...we better get going!"

"Yes let's hurry!"


We made it to the boarder of the land of lightening going towards the land of frost in just one day! It would have took at least 1 day and 1/2 or 2 days for team 7, the akatsuki are super fast.

"How about we stay here for tonight, Itachi? Sound good to you?!?" He weird man said while pointing at a small hotel in the middle of nowhere.

"Sure, kisame!"

Itachi x naruto: hold me in your armsWhere stories live. Discover now