Is it the end?!

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The fighting was close to the end, we were both tied neck and neck, but we was getting worn out. Konan spilt is a part "that's enough!!!! It seems that naruto IS strong enough to stay in the akatsuki and his already shown that he is with us! Okay?!?" As she looked at yahiko.

He let out a loud sigh of relief then walked away to the next room. Itachi ran up to me and held me tight as I lost my balance and fell to the ground with him. "BAKA!!!" He shouted at me, I thought he was gonna give me a slap but he didn't and instead continued to hold me.

"All ended well in the end!" Deidara said.

"Took long enough!" Sasori added.

Itachi x naruto: hold me in your armsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant