Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
All the elders were awake except for Snowheart, who was gently snoring. "Hello Featherkit!" Hollyblaze purred. "Come to clean out our den?" "That's right!" Featherkit purred. "Come, you can start with my nest, while I tell you a story. Would you like to hear about the time Grasspelt and I defeated rats and a fox all one after the the other, without any help?" "Yes please!" Featherkit mewed eagerly, while tugging at the moss. "Well, we were hunting near the moor, but we didn't cross into HeatherClan's territory. Grasspelt had caught 2 rabbits, a vole, and a squireel, while I had only caught a couple of mice." She blinked affectionately at her mate, who was listening closely to the story, even though he probably heard this story a million times. "Was there really that much prey at that time?" Featherkit asked with round eyes. "Oh yes! In our time, we had much stronger wariors, way more prey, and the forest was much more lush and green. Youngsters these days didn't even have the hunting and stalking skills that we have today. Anyways, while coming back, we found ourselves face-to-face with more rats than you could possibly imagine! Grasspelt roared and flung himself at the rats and started picking them off one by one. Suddenly two huge rats jumped on me, and one started clawing at my throat, which is how I got this scar." Hollyblaze pointed her paw towards her neck, where there was a healed scar. "Eventually, we defeated the rats, but while walking back to camp, we were faced with a fox." Hollyblaze broke off to say hi to Leafwater, who was just entering the den. "I'm sorry Hollyblaze. I need Featherkit to come outside quickly; I need to talk to her." Leafwater mewed. "No problem Leafwater! Send her back as soon as possible and I'll tell her the rest of the story." Hollyblaze purred "Come," Leafwater meowed, heading out of the den with Featherkit trotting behind.

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