Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Inside the den, Sunpaw turned to face Featherkit. "I... I...I like you," he managed to splutter after a while. Featherkit purred. " I like you too! You're kind, funny, smart-" "No, not like that," Sunpaw interrupted. "I like you meaning I really truly like you! I love you,

Featherkit." Featherkit was speechless with shock and happiness. Sunpaw loved her! He nuzzled her cheek with his muzzle. Purring, she pressed against him and leaned into his soft, bushy ginger fur. "Come," Sunpaw mewed to her. "We have a surprise for you." "We? Who's we?" "Your mother and I. Come outside." Once they were in the clearing, Icefur bounded up to them and covered Featherkit in licks. "I'm so happy for you Featherkit! You're being made an apprentice at sunhigh!" Featherkit's head spun with excitement. She was being made an apprentice so soon! Suddenly, a new wave of fear crashed over her. Blizzardstar hated her. He was determined to make her life miserable. She knew exactly who her mentor was going to be. "Let all cats old enough o catch their own prey join here beneath the Ancient Stump for a Clan meeting!" Blizzardstar yowled from the stump. "It's time," Sunpaw whispered. "Go on." "Featherkit!" Blizzardstar's yowl rang in her ears. "Come forwards!"  Featherkit obeyed, padding up to the base of the stump. "Until this apprentice has earned her warrior name, she shall be known as Featherpaw." Featherkit waited in anticipation and fear. Who would be her mentor? Her fear increased as Blizzardstar's gaze reached her nemesis. "Fernclaw! You are an experienced warrior, despite the fact you are not a senior. Tigershade has taught you very well, and I expect you to pass on all your skills to this apprentice." The Clan started cheering. "Featherpaw! Featherpaw!" Featherpaw expected a rush of happiness to come to her; instead, only fear. Blizzardstar hadn't meant any of what he said; surely? Was he good, or was something driving him to do this?  

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