chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of screaming. I rush over to Max where he has awoken himself with a nightmare. I cuddle him making him feel safe

"i had a dream... where i was reaped" he cries. I can't blame him for having nightmares about that, it is his first year where he has a chance to go into the arena but there is only one piece of paper with his name on it, out of 1000 other kids with their name on it. he has 99 percent chance of not being reaped.

"is everything alright?" Jake asks

"its fine, he just had a nightmare" I say

"oh okay" he says

" wanna go?" I ask him

"yup" he says, I put on my boots and change into clothes I wear nearly everyday to go hunting.

me and Jake used to go all the time with Lucas but since he went in the games he hasn't because it reminds him too much of the arena.

we help each other under the fence and go to the place where we hide the bow and arrows... Jake is better at using them than I am because he has had more practice. dad taught us how to use them before he died.

we find a deer eating away at the grass

"you take the shot" he says to me, I aim at the deer and shoot. It flies into the deer's leg and the deer collapses. we run over to it and it is struggling to get up. Jake gets the kitchen knife out of his bag and slits its throat and it becomes motionless indicating that it is dead

"you could of shot abit better" Lucas says from behind us, we both turn our heads and I run up to him and hug him. he lets me go and laughs

"hey man" he says to Jake, they are best friends. but I think my relationship with him is a bit more. we hug, hold hands and kiss each other on the cheek but we are not officially dating.

we head back to the fence with the deer but we see lots of peace keepers patrolling the place

"we have to leave the deer here" Jake says, we take the deer back to the tree line and cover it up with huge leaves

"do you think we could get it back tomorrow?" I ask

"doubt it" Jake says

"well if nothing eats it then some parts may be able to get saved but most of it will rot" Lucas says, I feel like an idiot for asking such a stupid question.

we help each other under the fence to make sure no peacekeeper takes notice of us. but they are mostly in the streets not in this small meadow area.

Lucas goes back to his house because he has to get ready to mentor the boy and girl that are going to most likely die in the next month

me and Jake head to the hob, which is another way to call the illegal market. it is where citizens of district 12 illegally trade and buy.

I go to the lady that sells pins, buttons, and fabric. because Jake doesn't like me getting food because he thinks I will make a bad deal. her name is Kelly. she is a lovely woman, has grey hair, and is blind in one eye. I like buying from her, if I don't have enough to buy something she lets it slip. this is my favourite shop.

I look in a box which holds pins and buttons, I rummaged inside it until something catches my eye. I grab it and hold it out on the palm of my hand. it is a golden pin with a bird inside of a ring. the bird is only attached to the ring by the tips of its wings. then I realise why it looks so familiar, it belongs to Katniss

"why do you think this pin is here, why would Katniss give it away?" I ask

"i don't know dear, it just ended up on my counter, I would've given it back to her. but I figured she brang it here for a reason. so I didn't bother... maybe it brang back too much memories" she says

"how much is it?" I ask

"you can keep it" she smiles, I close my hand over the pin and smile

"thank you" I say, I leave and go home.

Mum helps Max get into a smart shirt that we can only wear on reaping day, it used to be Jakes. he wore it at his first reaping. he is also wearing light brown pants and mum has combed his hair to one side. this is the only day we dress up, because if we go to the capitol and don't look smart then the capitol will think we are disgusting and then you will lose sponsors, sponsors are gifts sent from the audience and sent to any tribute and can be a tributes savior, Lucas nearly died of hunger in the arena then got sponsored one small roll of bread and that saved his life.

mum gives me a white dress and white sandals. I have to appreciate these clothes because they used to be mums and if I tell her I hate it she will get sad and go into that state when she stays in bed for a week or more. but she is getting better from when dad didn't come back. I was five when she lost hope, she held on until I was about 10 and thought I could handle myself and then she gave up on max at the age of 9 and i was 12, it was my first reaping and mum didn't encourage me, she just watched. I have never forgiven her. but she wants it to be different for max, better for him..

I hand Max the mockingjay pin and he smiles

"Katniss' pin is now yours, and as long as you have it, nothing bad will happen to you" I say, he smiles and I brush my dirty blonde hair, I can never get the knots out but I try my best. I leave my hair down and then the bell rings indicating it is time to sign into the reaping.

I walk with Max and Jake to the sign in and we get split up when they have to go with the boys. girls are on the right of the justice building and the boys are on the left. with an aisle in the middle which give a big enough walkway for the reaped kids to walk up to the stage. the older kids are at the back and the youngest at the front. on the stage is a podium and on the right side is a bowl with girls names in it and on the left is one with boys names in it.

Effie, the districts announcer and tributes escort walks out up to the podium and smiles

"welcome, to the reaping... of the 99th hunger games, good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour" she says

"as usual... ladies first" she walks to the bowl on the right, as she pulls one out she smiles and walks back to the podium, i'm not worried about my name being called, just because Lucas was called doesn't mean it will be me.

"Luna Casteel" my heart stops, how could it be me? of all people it was me, people nudge and push me until i'm forced to walk up to the justice building, I walk up the stairs and stand on the right of Effie

"wonderful" Effie says cheerfully, Lucas won't know I am the girl tribute because the reapings are not live. and he is in the train waiting for the tributes he is going to mentor.

"now for the boys" she says and walks over to the boys bowl

'i'm going to die' is all I can think about ' i'm going to die'

"Max Casteel"

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