Chapter 15

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as Jake runs off all the careers run after him. I see some knifes being thrown but I don't think any hit him because I don't hear anything. eventually they are out of view and I sigh. how will people think I just let my big brother die. I stay in the same very spot waiting for Sean to come back.

It becomes night and the anthem starts to play

In the sky is the boy from 5 and 7 and that's all who died today- 11 people left (including Luna)

I decide to climb the closest tree and tie myself in with the rope. Jake left the supplies with me so if Jake does escape the careers then he still wont be able to last long without food and water.

I can't fall asleep and instead stare up at the stars.

A bang goes off and I straight away think that it is Jake
I finally get to sleep and when I wake the sun is up.

I jump out of the tree and gather all the stuff
I am kind of hungry but I don't eat anything because I don't want to waste any food. I walk through the forest looking for any sign of Jake or Sean

I hear leaves being crunched and quickly turn around and see Sean

"Oh my god, Sean... You are okay" I say

"Yeah" he laughs "where is Jake?"

"Careers chased him" I say

"Well we have to help him" he says

"It happened last night we have no idea where to find him" I say

"Your right... But we need to do something" he says

"What are we going to do?" I ask

"Let me think" he says, I wait patiently for Sean to say an idea

"We could head the way they went" he says

"But then we could run into the careers and get killed" I say

"We can be cautious, its worth a try right... He is your brother" he says

"Okay let's do it" I say

We head in the direction I saw them run and keep walking... We walk for an hour in the forest until something gold and shiny on the ground catches my eyes. I bend down and pick up the gold mockingjay pin that I believe belongs to Jake

"What is it?" Sean asks

"It belonged to Jake" I say

"That means we are on the right trail" Sean says excitedly

"How could it just fall off?" I ask

"Maybe it was an accident" He says trying to assure me

"Let's just keep going" I say

We walk until it gets dark

"We should camp out here for the night" Sean suggests

"But we still need to find Jake" I say

"It will be easier to find him in the light" Sean says, he is right.

I make a bed up in the tree and lie down and secure myself with rope.

The anthem starts to play and i cross my fingers that it is not Jake I see in the sky tonight

Up in the sky is the girl from district 8 and that's it. The anthem only plays for about 5 seconds then the sky goes dim again

10 people are alive 7 not counting me, Jake and Sean

It's been a day and I haven't heard from Jake and I am starting to worry

"Do you think he is okay?" I ask

"Hope so" Sean says

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