Chapter 19

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my eyes open, I am ready to see what they call heaven.

I sit up and straight away know that my life has not been taken.

I look up at the blue sky and burnt trees around me... I survived the fire caused by the bombs, but did Jake? did Sean?

I seem to have awoken on the same day of the fire. it was morning when it started and it now seems to be mid day. there are no clouds in the sky.

I am in no pain what so ever. I wasn't burnt, my body isn't aching anymore and I feel fine.

as I realize that I am alone I hesitate to do anything... i'm vulnerable.

I quickly climb up the closest tree. my throat is dry and disgusting from consuming all the smoke... I need water, I am extremely thirsty... but then I need to search for water which will make me even more thirsty.

but it's better than sitting here doing nothing.

I start walking. I have no idea where I am going but it's better than doing nothing.

as night comes along Damien and Esther from 4 is in the sky... now only Lave and kale are left from the careers.

I am just glad that Jake and Sean are not up in the sky

"attention tributes, we game makers have decided to create a challenge for the remaining 6 tributes" Caesar announces

"at dawn, there will be a chest with items in it, could have weapons, food, water, and anything else needed for survival" he says

"but, the chest will be placed randomly in the arena but first you need to find a key. there are 4 keys since there are 4 groups running around the arena... the keys are fairly close to all of your areas" he says

" find the key then find the chest" then the arena goes quiet.

I don't want to bother with this, you have to go around looking for a key then run around looking for a chest... the games will be other before somebody finds a key AND the chest

and then I think more... what if that is what everyone else thinks... nah I am looking for water I don't need to look for anything else. by dawn I am very tired but don't stop looking for water...

eventually I fall to my knees... Caesar said that the key was fairly close... if only I just looked for the key...

"Luna" I turn my head and see Sean, he runs to me and hugs me

"hey Sean" I laugh

"guess what?" he asks me excitedly

"what?" I ask

"I found a key" he says, holding up the key. my eyes widen and I smile

"then lets find that chest" I say happily. we walk in the direction I was heading

"you hungry?" he asks

"thirsty" I say

"if only we didn't ditch our stuff" he says, I am wondering where Jake is but I don't want to ask but I do anyway

"so what happened to Jake?" I ask

"well... uh, once he found out about the key and chest thing he ran off and I couldn't keep up..." he says

"he just ditched you?" I ask

"yeah... I guess so" Sean looks down. I am tired but I don't want to sleep.

"you look tired" he says, I laugh


"we can rest if you want" he says

"no, we need to find that chest" I say, we keep walking until a wooden chest is in view

"oh my god, I can't believe we found it" he says cheerfully

"yeah me either" I whisper, Sean runs to the chest but before he could turn the key a girl comes from behind him and laughs which makes Sean quickly turn, it is not Lave so it must be the sixth tribute from district 3

"I will let you live if you let me have whats in the chest" the girl says

"no way!" Sean protests, I don't think the girl knows I am here so I will attack her when she least expects it

"you have no weapons little boy, I will easily win the fight since I have this" she says as she holds out a dagger

"a knife?" Sean laughs, I then notice a sheath of arrows on her back hidden by her jacket which means she could have a bow

"get away or I will kill you" she says, that's when I attack, I push her over but she uses her dagger to cut across my face, I grab her arrows and pulled them out of the sheath as I see a bow leaned against a tree, she kicks me away and I see this as an opportunity and quickly crawl to the bow and pick up an arrow but as I aimed at the girl I was too late, she had the knife against Sean's neck ready to slice it at any moment

" leave and I wont kill the boy" she says, I am standing on my feet now still aiming at the girl ready to shoot her

"he is just a boy" I say

"yeah, but it's the hunger games honey" she laughs

" we can split whats in the chest, if we ally then we can take down the two careers" I say

"but what about your loving brother?" she laughs

"what about him?" I ask

"where is he? not protecting you obviously" she laughs

"I don't need protection" I say " I can protect myself"

"sure you can, but this little boy can't" she says, she moves the knife closer to Sean's neck so it is now against his skin

"all I have to do is move the blade and he is dead" she laughs

"if he dies you die" I say

"alright then" she says, she quickly removes the blade from his neck, then quickly stabs Sean in the stomach, Sean gasps, his eyes become wide with pain as he falls to the ground, I don't hesitate and the arrow flies and it enters the skull of the district three girl and the gong goes off, she falls on the chest and rolls off. I quickly run over to Sean who is gurgling on blood as it spills from his mouth. tears are now streaming from my eyes. I lift up Sean's head and put it on my lap. tears are falling from his eyes.

"sing" he mouths, I smile

"okay" I manage to choke out

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go, when all those shadows almost killed your life, I remember you said don't leave me here alone" I sing, his eyes are still open and in pain, he was still alive

"but all that's dead and gone and past tonight..." I sigh

"just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light... you and I'll be safe and sound" a bang goes off which made me stop, I look down at Sean's lifeless eyes, I sad smile as I close them, I gently place Sean back on the ground and start to sob, Sean is dead... dead...

I don't know what to do, Lave and kale might of ditched each other now since the only people left is me and Jake... OH MY GOD, THE ONLY PEOPLE LEFT IS ME AND JAKE AND DISTRICT ONE

district 12 versus district 1...

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