Fighting and Promises

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Holy shit, I am so sorry fro not updating in fucking forever. My school work and personal life have been a lot to handle and hopefully now i will update once a month maybe twice. I also just want you all to know that this story will be ending shortly but, it will be a proper good ending for the five possible readers I still have. Anyways I hope you enjoy. By the way, I have no idea where I left off in the last part so sorry for repeating some stuff if I did.

~Mikasa's Pov~

"You are a titan."

Those four words stopped my world, crushed my dreams, changed my life and explained almost everything. My fast healing, my strength, everything. I don't remember get injected or eating a titan shiftier. At least, that is what happened to Eren. I didn't understand how I could be one. I looked across the table, setting my eyes on Levi, to see his reaction. Pure horror, His eyes wide, face stricken, staring right at me, like a scared puppy. I looked away, my hair covering my face. My eyes started to tear, fought them as hard as I could. Somehow in the end I wasn't strong enough or maybe did I just gave up and let the tears fall? I hugged myself crying, letting it all out, Not giving a single fuck.

"Don't cry," Kenny said softly standing up and walking over to me. "Shh shh shh." He said and hugged me tightly. "It's okay, Levi is just a dickweed and doesn't know how to show proper emotions." He said rubbing my back, calming me down a bit. I nodded my breath skipping.

"H-how am I one?" I said still sniffling, looking at my hands. I didn't want to make eye contact with either of them.

"When you were first born, Dr. Yeager had taken you and gave you the um, titan formula shit stuff, but of course you need like the back bone thingy, so you can transform and stuff, but he twisted it and made it so that as you grew, you could develop the power, without needing to eat a titan shiftier. That's way he kept visiting you and your family. You were his little experiment." He said finishing with a tight hug. "We should have told you wa-" He was cut off by a thud. We looked up to see Levi not in his chair. We looked over the table to see him passed out on the ground. "That's not good." Kenny said moving and easily picking Levi up and got a pitcher of ice cold water. "Rebooting asshole in, five, four, three, two and one." He counted down before pouring the whole thing on him.

Levi jumped awake. "Fuck. Mikasa. Titan. Baby. Shit." He said scrambling off the table, soaked and cupped my face. "I'm sorry. I-I just didn't know what to do. I didn't expect it." He kept rambling on and on and made me laugh a little. I gave him and weak smile and put a finger to his mouth

"Levi, shut the fuck up." I said getting a glare from Kenny. Levi looked at my finger, noticing the bandages.

"What happened?" He asked picking up my hands and saw my missing finger and gasped. "How the hell did you lose a finger?" He said kissing each on of them and realized what happened. We didn't say anything after that, not wanting to talk about it.

We all sat in pure silence. We looked up at the same time, hearing footsteps. Levi snapped his fingers.

"Forgot that a squad of the Survey Corps are here." He said pulling me up and wiped away the last of my tears and lead me outside, Kenny staying in the door frame as my friends asked questions and hugged me to death.

~Time to skip to back to HQ~

Everyone had their jaws dropped even Zach's and Mika's, when I finished explaining everything to them. We all sat a few minutes, thinking, about our next move and how the hell any of this was possible or even real. Hanji eyed me with creepy eyes, like she was going to lock me up and do stuff. I wouldn't have been surprised though, if she did.

"I think, we need to get to Eren's basement and find out all the answers and if their is an antidote or something, for you Mikasa since, you had a different way of being turned into one." Erwin finally spoke. "Grisha may have figured if anything goes wrong, he can just treat you, right?" He said looking at me. "Hanji, Armin and I will make a route to Eren's house and safely get you and him there." He said standing up. We all nodded and saluted, expect for Kenny and Levi's thug friends, who caught up with us and wanted to help.

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