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Sorry for the shorter chapter. These first few will be shorter since I am fixing these, so I don't have much wiggle room to fit a lot in them.

Mikasa's pov

This can't be happening. I know he read it, his posture changed. I looked down and didn't dare meet his eyes. How could I possibly tell him the truth? Would he even believe me? Why am I still crying?

"Ackerman, look at me." His voice was calmer now, only making me cry more. I could speak through my sobs. I keep looking down closing my eyes. "Mikasa..." He used my name? I snapped my head up looking at him. He was kneeling in front of me. I gulped and sniffled. I could tell him one thing that would be the truth.

"I-I miss him so much. I just want him back," I cried more gripping my shirt. I was soon engulfed into a warm hug. "Corporal..?" I buried my face in his neck still sobbing. He didn't say anything just rubbed my back. "Why are you doing this for me?" I asked wanting an answer this time.

"Just be happy that I am doing this. I don't like it when my brats are upset and it isn't me making them upset," He said in a hushed tone. He held me tighter. "Also, I am showing you that I have a heart. Erwin did send me to find you and at first I didn't want to come. I'm glad I did come." I closed my eyes and cried more. 

I kept crying and he kept me in his arms. Why is he so warm and comfortable? My eyelids started to drop as I cried less and fell asleep holding onto him.

~Levi's Pov~

I looked down at her when she stopped crying and noticed she was actually asleep. The poor girl. SO much pain in one life. I pulled her closer wrapping my arm under her legs and my other arm around her waist. I made sure she wasn't going to fall and stood up. I looked at her again She was snuggled up into my chest, gently gripping my shirt. She look so peaceful. I sighed and started walking back to my horse.

I arrived back to base with Mikasa still asleep on my back. I gently pulled her off the horse and into my arms again. I ignore the looks from the other cadets and superiors and went to Mikasa's room. I laid her down on her bed and sat besides her. She was skinnier than she should be. I'll let the cook know to give her extra food later. As I kept looking at her I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. I brought my hand up and stroked her cheek softly. Her eyes fluttered a little bit. I quickly retracted my hand. What is wrong with me? I can't having feelings for her. I looked at her once more before getting up and walking out of her room. I sighed and walked to my office to get some paper work done before dinner.

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