The House

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I am so sorry for the super late update. I wonder if any of you are still reading this. If you are I am sad to say I only expect 3-5 more chapter to this story. Happy reading!

~Mikasa's Pov (Day of the expedition to Eren's house)~

This was the day. The day where everything could change or everybody could die. The day where we could find out the truth. My mind is going wild with possibilities of how this day could end. We all succeed, we all die, I could die. Levi could die. Levi. Could. Die. That's the one thought that I'm freaking out about. My body stiffens and my blood turns cold as i think about it more and more and more. I nearly fall of my horse when Levi put his hand over mine. His soft touch is soothing and warm. I slowly turn my head to look at him. His face was calm with a small soft smile. He moved his hand up my arm to my hair and slowly, but comfortly stroking it softly.

"Calm down," his voice was the softest I have ever heard him talk. "Everything will be fine. The mission will be a success and after it is and we come home, I'll give you a surprise I have been waiting to give you for a while now." He leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "I promise you that." He said after he pulled away and smiled. His smile melted my heart. I opened my mouth to speak right as the gate started to open. "I have to go now. Both of us will be fine and so will everything else. Just please be safe. I love you Mikasa."

"I love you too Levi," I gave him a quick kiss. "Please don't die." I rubbed our noses together making him chuckled.

"I won't I promise," He said ruffling my hair before moving his horse over to where his group was positioned. We looked at each other once and nodded before having to rush off with our groups outside the wall.

We were set up into a triangle. The front being lead by Jean and Jake. The right point had Levi, Eren and Reiner. Their group just like mine were surrounded by soldiers far enough to kill anything before it reached us. I was with Hanji and her new assistant Ava. She had fluffy light brown hair that covered one of her eyes. Despite the lack of vision do to her thick hair she is an outstanding soldier, almost as good as Levi and I. As an addition to her amazing fighting, she is intelligent and about as crazy as Hanji.

As we went further into titan territory we were seeing barely any titans. The ones we did see completely ignored us. Hanji hasn't said a word to me or Ava, she just keeps staring forward thinking about something. I looked over at Ava and she seemed to be panicking a little bit. she kept twisting the rings on her fingers and mouthing a few words. I was about to call over to her when a flare went up at the bottom right and along that side all the way up to the top point.

"That's in the direction of the Jaeger household," Hanji spoke up looking at the flares as they kept going, each one identifying a titan.

"All the titans that we saw were going in the same direction and they didn't pay attention to us," Ava said in a soft voice as if she was afraid to speak up now. It's strange, she usually is talking non-stop. What's wrong with her? "Miss Hanji do you think that maybe someone or something is leading them to the house?" She asked looking at Hanji.

"If they are being lead there," Hanji closed her eyes. "Then we are going to have a lot of titans to take out before we get to that basement." She opened her eyes and turned to me. "No matter who dies or how many of us die you get to that damn basement and find whatever you can find that can help us get closer to victory. I don't care what it takes. I have lost too many to those bastards. This ends today. Do you understand what I am saying?" She said in a harsh pleading voice with eyes raging with fire.

"Yes, I understand." I replied sitting up straighter. I looked at Ava who was spinning on of her rings quickly. Hanji seemed to notice too this time. She narrowed her eyes and sighed.

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