The Tree Of Knowledge

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Once they had all recovered, Winter, Autumn, Blossom, and Elizabeth, left Marrok's cave and returned to the woodland, reaching the entrance of the Great Oak just after dusk. Winter placed her hand upon the bark of the ancient tree and its girth shimmered. One by one, they walked through the doorway to be greeted by the guards who bowed as Winter passed.

The following morning, Elizabeth's eyes were heavy with sleep as she awoke in Blossom's chamber. It was similar to Elizabeth's, except the walls were filled with shelves, each laden with tomes and scrolls of parchment. Bunches of herbs hung from the ceiling in varying stages of drying, their distinctive aromas mingling to create a sweet and heady fragrance.

"How are you feeling?" Blossom asked.

"A bit tired," Elizabeth replied as she sat up in the bed.

"Here," Blossom handed her a cup of herbal tea.

Elizabeth breathed in the scent of basil and ginger before taking a sip "Thanks for letting me stay with you."

"I couldn't leave you alone," Blossom put a cool hand to Elizabeth's forehead and smiled. "I think the fever has passed. Once you've had your tea I'll take you to the bathing pool."

"How do you come to have so many books?" Elizabeth asked.

"Some nymphs are blessed by being bound to a tree spirit with much wisdom, others are not. Me, being one of them. But that doesn't stop me from learning myself."

"But you know a lot about herbs and healing,"

"Plants and herbs I find easy to understand. I just wish I had a flair for enchantments. Don't worry though, I'll arrange for another nymph to teach you about those. You wouldn't want to learn from me, especially if you have a talent for it."

"Blossom, don't put yourself down, I'd love for you to teach me. It's your role as my keeper isn't it?"

"I wouldn't want to hold you back," said Blossom placing a small wooden bowl of berries and soft cheese onto Elizabeth's lap.

"I don't think you would ever do that," Elizabeth replied.

As Elizabeth ate, Blossom found some clean clothes for them both and they left the chamber, walking through the tunnels until they came upon a circular space with several tunnels branching from it. Above each entrance were symbols inlaid into the compacted earth, which shone like silver. Elizabeth followed Blossom into the tunnel denoted by a few wavy lines. Almost immediately they started to descend wooden steps that curved like a spiral staircase taking them deeper into the earth. As they descended, the earthen walls gave way to stone that glinted with veins of shimmering quartz.

Soon, they could hear voices, some breaking out into laughter or song. As they neared the bottom of the steps a large cavern came into view. It was full of light that reflected and refracted from a myriad of crystal-like stalactites. They reached down into a steamy pool, fed by a waterfall. As the nymphs in the pool noticed them approach, they became silent. Elizabeth halted, uneasy about joining them.

"Don't worry," Blossom whispered. "They just need to get used to you."

Elizabeth smiled at the onlooking nymphs who stared back at her blankly. She followed Blossom closer to the edge of the pool, placing their clean clothes on the ground. The nymphs that were in the water made their way out quickly, grabbing their robes to cover themselves. Elizabeth could hear them whisper to each other as she immersed herself into the warm water. She submerged herself to shut out their voices from her mind. Coming up for air beneath the waterfall, she and let the water wash over her as Blossom swam up beside her. The other nymphs had gone, leaving them alone.

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