A Dangerous Magic

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Rue had fallen asleep in a chair next to Blossom's bed. She was exhausted after calming Blossom from one of her nightmares. Her own dreams unnerved her and she found herself waking in a sweat, her breathing rapid as she tried to block out memories of a war that she had once forgotten. She wondered now if she was dreaming. She could hear Rubus' voice calling out to her. How she had longed to be in his arms again. To feel his breath upon her skin. She saw herself standing amongst the tall grasses on the plain beyond the woodland, butterflies dancing in the air around her. Rubus called her name and she turned to look for him but all she could see were the mountains beyond. Mist descended to smother their rocky peaks as twilight encroached and the butterflies flew higher into the sky and then descended as fireflies. She closed her eyes and reached out with her soul to find him and then she felt his touch.

She opened her eyes and found herself sitting in the chair that used to sit upon a small veranda that surrounded the large trunk of a giant oak in which she used to live before the war. Opposite sat Rubus but not as she remembered him then. He had aged now as she had. Time traveled slowly for nymphs but age eventually crept into their hair and skin as it did with humans.

"How I wish we could be here again in reality," he said as he leant forward and placed his old frail hand upon hers.

"This isn't a real dream is it?"

"No. I'm sorry but I had no choice but to bring you into the realm of dreams and speak with you. I wish not to cause you pain of what has long past."

"Then tell me why."

"Luna fought off a creature of shadow. It has drained her such that she cannot yet come back to you through this realm for it may cause her more harm. She is strong and will recover quickly I'm sure, but I need you to buy her time. To ensure Winter does not discover our alliance."

"How long do you need my love?"

"Until tomorrow"

"Until tomorrow you shall have," promised Rue.

Rubus stood up and kissed her forehead. Rue closed her eyes, trying to hold onto the moment for as long as she could. She felt him take her hands in his and her whole body tingled. When she opened her eyes he was gone and she was sat in the chair in Blossom's chamber.

Sleep did not return to Rue and she watched Blossom toss and turn as she slept, battling her nightmares. Rue wished she could protect her as she had done when she had found her at the edge of the woodland those many moons ago. As she wondered how she would account for Luna's absence it suddenly dawned on her that maybe there was a connection of some sort. She knew that Luna would not wake until she returned through the realm of dreams back to her own place and time. Had Blossom and Marrok also been pulled through the realm of dreams rather than suffering some ailment? Entering another's mind was a dangerous magic, a skill only bore by a seer and if not performed with care the mind of the one they delved into could suffer madness and despair.


Luna awoke. She felt warm and comfortable and nuzzled into the fur beneath her. She recognised the scent and realised that it was gently moving beneath her as if it were breathing steadily and realised she was led against Marrok who had protectively curled his body around her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"You've slept a long while," Marrok's rich and tender tone brought a smile to Luna's weary face.

She looked up and saw his dark brown eyes and threw her arms around his neck. "I've missed you," she whispered.

"I won't leave you again," he replied softly.

The Seer appeared in the doorway of the antechamber. "Ah, Luna, I sensed you were awake." He ignored her glare. "Come eat, you must both be hungry." Without waiting for a response he disappeared.

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