The Dark One

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Butterflies danced in front of them, revealing the indigo eyes marked upon their wings as Elizabeth and Blossom climbed the treads that wound within the tree of knowledge. Elizabeth looked forward to these visits as it was the only opportunity to feel the sunlight on her face and look up into the sky.

She could hear Rue above them and looked up to see her tattered wings were open, showing the full extent she had once suffered. Her arms were outstretched towards the clear blue sky and faint echoes of her chanting carried down to them.

"What is she doing?" Elizabeth asked.

"She's casting an enchantment, something you'll be able to learn once you've taken your vow."

"Don't I have to become a nymph before I can use magic?"

"Everyone and everything has magic within them, but Mother Nature blesses us so that we can use it freely. Our connection with nature and being bound to a tree spirit will amplify your own ability and your tree spirit will also pass on their knowledge to you."

"So I could do things now if I knew how?" Elizabeth was excited at the thought.

"Well, there's only one way to find out, but let us wait here until Rue has finished casting. Some enchantments are complex and she won't be happy if we break her concentration."

They sat upon one of the treads with their legs dangling in mid-air, almost mid-way up the gigantic hollow of the ancient oak. Elizabeth was mesmerised as she watched Rue, especially in the knowledge that somewhere deep inside of her, she too had the power of magic. She could not clearly hear the words that Rue spoke, but just above Rue's hands the air shimmered and sparkled with faint colours which appeared and disappeared so quickly she would have missed them if she were not watching so intently.

Rue finally lowered her arms and her wings fluttered awkwardly for a few moments before they closed. Her head bowed and she remained quiet and still for some time, causing Elizabeth to worry that something was wrong.

"Is she okay?" Elizabeth asked.

"She'll be fine, just give her moment. Casting enchantments can be draining, that's all," assured Blossom.

Despite Blossom's reassurance, Elizabeth remained concerned until Rue lifted her head and turned to make her way down from the down from the upper level near the top of the hollow. Her fragile form made her look older than nymphs of a similar age, but her keen eyes and senses quickly detected their presence and she bade them to join her.

"Ah Elizabeth, well done on your test," Rue smiled.

"Thank you, Rue," Elizabeth blushed. "I'm looking forward to learning more."

"And that you shall," Rue exclaimed. "But first you must understand our laws and principles and of course say your vow. Once you can show this, you will be able to practice your teachings."

"Will I become a nymph then?"

"That decision lies with the spirits of the woodland. You will only become a nymph and be blessed with the gift of magic if you are chosen. If a woodland spirit feels you are worthy of their gift they will bestow it upon you when they decide the time is right."

"What if I'm not found worthy and never blessed?" Elizabeth wondered what would become of her if she failed.

"Then you would simply remain as you are and live the rest of your days here with us in your human form, but don't worry child, you have already shown potential."

Despite Elizabeth's uncertainty at becoming a nymph, failure was more daunting. If she failed to become a nymph and had to live a mundane human existence amongst nymphs who despised and mistrusted her, she felt she might as well be dead, as she was to her family.

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