Dead or Alive

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Elizabeth awoke feeling warm and comfortable, wrapped in the silky softness of furs. A small fire crackled nearby. Red and orange sparks shot up into the steady stream of smoke. She had no idea where she was or how she got there, but she felt at ease and unwilling to remove her head from the makeshift pillow.

Across from where she lay, Elizabeth could see a large oval wicker basket full of pots, pans, and wooden bowls. A small silver lantern, identical to that which Blossom had given her, sat on a shelf that had been carved out of the cavern wall. The lantern held no light and looked tarnished with age, as did a small, plain trinket box next to it. The items seemed sparse and forgotten.

Elizabeth's eyes were heavy with sleep. She did not resist her return to slumber. Moments later, Marrok entered the small chamber and sat next to the fire. For a long while, he watched her as she slept. Sitting perfectly still, his gaze never waned. When Elizabeth stirred and whimpered in her sleep, he moved to her side. Once sure her nightmare had passed, he sniffed at her long brown hair, as if it were a delicate flower before returning to guard the entrance of the cavern.


Elizabeth heard the faint sound of birdsong as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Sitting up, she looked around the small cavernous space. A small fire burned nearby, the blackened logs glowed brightly, providing the only light. She noticed a water skin on the floor next to her bed of furs and drank the water within it eagerly.

Feeling an urge to relieve herself, she got up and followed the stream of smoke from the fire, hoping to find a quick exit. Bending down slightly to walk through a small tunnel, she came out into a much larger space where daylight emanated. Marrok turned from his position at the cave opening as he heard her approach.

"Morning Elizabeth, its good to see you're looking well," he greeted. "If you wish to freshen yourself you need to follow the eastward ledge out of the cave and the sound of water will guide you from there."

Elizabeth's cheeks flushed as she walked past Marrok and out into the cool, misty morning. The ledge curved with the mountainside and sure enough, she soon heard running water. Before long, she found a small waterfall that flowed calmly into a natural rock pool surrounded by shrubs and leafy plants.

Everything smelt fresh and alive. Setting aside her dirty clothes she plunged into the water, rinsing away the dust and grime that clung to her hair and skin. The cold water was invigorating and her modesty took advantage of the serenity and seclusion of the place. She stood naked under the waterfall, not worrying that anyone could see her.

Cold, but refreshed, Elizabeth carefully climbed out of the rock pool and crouched on the ground behind the shrubs for a moment before getting dressed and returning to the cave. Marrok was no longer at the entrance, but Blossom greeted her. She held out a fur, which Elizabeth wrapped around herself. Warmth soon returned to her body.

"Where are we?" Elizabeth asked as she followed Blossom to a campfire she had made in the main cavern.

"This is Marrok's home."

"I thought he lived in the woodland."

"We're just on the outskirts of it. It wasn't far from where we were attacked, so Marrok brought you here,"

Flashes of memories and fear tugged at Elizabeth's consciousness. She drew the fur tightly around her body and watched Blossom as she set about cooking upon the fire. "What happened? I can't remember anything after Marrok left us," Elizabeth asked.

"You went into shock, which isn't surprising after what you've been through in the last couple of days. I gave you some herbs to help you sleep and Marrok carried you here to ensure you would be safe whilst you rested."

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