Into the Shadows

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"You dare to dabble in darkness and now you fret of the consequences." Mortanum leaned back and let out a demented cackle of laughter.

Richard's fury ignited at the dark one's remark. "I gave you my soul. We are pledged to serve you in return for power of this earthly realm, a realm that now appears to be threatened by others of your kind."

"They are not of my kind, just a mere side effect of my release into this realm," she haughtily responded. "When summoning darkness the veils between realms become thin and cracks appears. It is you who have allowed these creatures to escape from the shadows and devour the souls of those you wish to rule."

"Can we not use them to our advantage?" asked Sarah picturing her husband's demise in her mind at the hands of some unearthly creature. "If we can control_ "

Mortanum cut her short, incensed by Sarah's insolence. "Creatures of shadow cannot be controlled, they are nomads of darkness searching for souls."

"But if this hinders us _" Richard too had now worn Mortanum's patience.

"Eternity grows tiresome and so I have already dispatched a minion to Wyvern. He will ensure that you deliver unto me what was promised. Until then I will do what I can to protect your whore and the innocent that will bear the promised child." Tired of their presence Mortanum released herself from their summoning. Smoke rose up around her and she vanished from sight.


Calla did not wholly trust the old woman but she had little choice. The landscape she had found herself in was desolate and grim and she did not fancy taking her chances with those ogres. She had lost all concept of time but realised she had been stuck there long enough with little hope of finding an escape. She was still not sure if she was really within a strange realm of shadows as the old woman called it or just stuck in a nightmare. But she was sure now that she was willing to risk whatever it took to leave and hoped she would somehow wake to find herself in more hospitable and familiar surroundings. She led on the floor of the small hut, leaving little room for anything else, as the old woman instructed. She did not really care if what happened next would cause her death or not. She would rather be dead than lose her sanity and that was quickly slipping away. The woman placed candles around Calla's head and lit each one.

"Close your eyes, my child," The old woman's touch was gentle as she placed a small ruin stone with red markings onto Calla's forehead. "Fill your heart and mind with thoughts of your home. Feel the sunlight on your body, smell the scent of the flowers in spring. Leave the darkness and go into the light." Her words repeated in Calla's mind over and over, becoming fainter and fainter.

Calla felt herself drifting, her body felt weightless but then she felt a severe pain in her chest and gasped for breath. Abruptly sitting upright she grasped onto the thin sheet that covered her body and tried to breathe, wheezing loudly.

Fireflies gathered above her and the door to the chamber opened, two guardians that had been posted outside rushing to her aid.

"Get the healer," the one guardian shouted. "Quickly."

The remaining guardian tried to calm Calla as she still struggled for breath. She felt giddy and fear gripped her as her consciousness began to ebb pulling her back into the darkness she had just escaped.


Luna's eyes flickered open as she returned to her physical body that lay in the bed of her chamber. She thought she noticed something but she was too tired to care and turned over to make herself more comfortable. Feeling a prod in her back she quickly turned back and found Rue standing over her.

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