Somehow Forgotten

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Rue already felt a pang of regret as she caught sight of the mighty oak that they called home. Was it really home she wondered or had she been made in some way to feel that way? She wasn't sure, but she was sure that somehow she had been made to forget, although she knew she had not forgotten completely about life before the great war. Since her argument with Thorne after they had recovered from battling the shadow creature her memories had filled her mind and her fears had grown. She knew that Ivy and even Thorne now had a seed of suspicion in their minds about what they believed to be their past even though they had not discussed it openly. She hadn't wanted to come back, but she knew she had to and after losing one daughter she was not going to lose Blossom.

The journey home may have tired her mind but Rue's spirits lifted upon sight of Blossom stood at her desk in the knowledge tree. A loud clatter of tomes and jars hit the dusty floor as Blossom knocked them over in a rush to get to her feet, realising it was really Rue standing in the stone pillar entrance.

Rue smiled warmly and opened her arms to embrace Blossom as they met tearily in the middle of the room.

"I'm so glad you're back Rue," sobbed Blossom.

"I've missed you too." Rue hugged her firmly. "Come now, there's no need for tears. Let's clean up this mess."

Luna was surprised to see Rue helping Blossom to pick up the tomes from the floor when she descended the treads of the knowledge tree. "Rue? Is that really you?" Luna ran over to greet her.

"I hope so," Rue replied as she put some tomes back onto the desk and turned to face her. She opened her arms, as did Luna and they embraced each other warmly as Blossom picked up the last couple of jars from the floor. "Thank you, Luna," Rue whispered in Luna's ear before letting go.

Luna smiled knowingly.

Before they had a chance to speak any further Autumn entered and summoned Rue to report to Winter. Blossom looked forlornly at Rue as she left.

"She's back now," Luna said softly, putting comforting Blossom. "Why don't we prepare a nice meal for her. I doubt she's eaten a good meal in a long while."

Blossom silently nodded.


Autumn opened the doorway into the Winter's chamber and allowed Rue to enter first shutting the door behind them. 

"Winter's not here," remarked Rue.

"I've sent word to her that you have returned," replied Autumn walking around the long table to stand behind the high backed chair in which Winter usually sat.

Rue remained by the doorway wondering if Autumn was like her, had she to been made to forget their past or did she remember everything? Before she could decide on a subtle question to ask so as not to raise suspicion the doorway opened and Winter walked in.

"Rue I'm so glad you have returned to us safely," Winter smiled and walked to the head of the table, her flowing gown of white satin trailing on the polished wooden floor. Autumn pulled out the chair at the head of the table to allow Winter to sit and Rue chose to sit halfway down, preferring to leave some distance between them. "So tell me," Winter continued. "What of the shadow creature? Did you find it?"

"We did," replied Rue. "We were lucky to escape its grasp with our lives."

"They are powerful creatures with dark magic. Do you think that was the only one that managed to slip through the veil?" asked Winter.

"I hope so. Do you know how it got through in the first place?"

"No, but a tremor here was felt a few days ago. A tremor that did not feel to be of earthly origins."

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