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With speed, Rue dodged Ivy's dagger but it clipped her shoulder cutting deep into her skin. She cried out and Thorne quickly charged at Ivy who was reaching back to her quiver in readiness to load her bow. Ivy now cried out, flailing as Thorne tried to wrestle her on the ground engulfed by the mist that surrounded them.

The cackle of the shadow creature resonated through the silence as he neared his prey, enjoying the brutal chaos he had created as Ivy and Thorne thrashed about with deadly intent. Rue struggled to hold her resolve as the sound brought back chilling memories of long ago and forced herself to leave her comrades to pursue the root of the evil that had descended upon them.

Rue had not gone far when two glowing eyes pierced through the darkness and cut deep into her soul. "Matris autem natura mihi protege, et alligate ea in umbra creaturae," Rue chanted repeatedly as she approached, outwardly fearless. The creature's lips curled into a demonic smile. "You are foolish if you think you can bind me with your futile magic," he taunted. The grey mist gathered up as he raised his arms into the air. His eyes narrowed and he exhaled slowly sending the mist in Rue's direction to devour her very being. Within moments she disappeared from sight.

"Fiat lux!" shouted a male voice and an orb of blue light appeared just below the canopy of the trees. The shadow creature cowered in distaste of being illuminated by something so pure and bright, turning its blackened form to see who dared to challenge him, holding a withered hand above his narrowed eyes to shield himself from the light.

Pure energy, akin to lightning bolts pierced into his dark soul. His shadowy form began to wither and his screams echoed into the night as the mist began to recoil and twist around him entwined with pure, bright, white light. The ground shuddered violently and cracked beneath the creature who fell into the void, his fleshless fingers trying to grasp the earth as it crumbled at his touch, returning him to the shadowy veil from whence he came.

Luna could not believe what she had just seen, what had just happened or what she had done. Her fingers still tingled with the energy that had flowed through them. Her racing heart skipped a beat seeing Rue lying on the ground gasping for breath and broke free of the seer's grasp, running to her limp body.

"Rue! Please no." Luna screamed in despair. "Do something," she demanded, looking back at the seer. "Heal her."

He came and knelt down by Rue's body, tears welling in his eyes and drove his staff into the ground so that it stood by itself, it's blue-white light now dimmed to a soft glow. He placed one hand on her brow and another over Rue's heart as he closed his eyes, a silent tear now rolling down his cheek. "Naturae matris utero vocavi te nemus et sanabo aversiones vestras amor, reddam Marwolaeth." Soft pastel colours shimmered around her body and her breathing became less laboured.

"We must go," said the seer looking up at Luna.

"But Rue, we can't leave her like this."

"I have brought you here through the veil of dreams and shadows, you cannot remain here. I have done all I can. We must go now." The seer stood up. Taking his staff, he raised it into the air, it's light shining brightly as Luna looked forlornly at Rue. The portal appeared once more and the seer reached out his hand to Luna, his face now void of any emotion.

Luna looked out into the woods as an anguished voice called out Rue's name and looked once more upon her before taking the seer's hand.


The portal disappeared as soon as they fell onto the ground near the campfire, its embers now glowing red in the cold breeze that blew around them. Blood spattered onto the dusty earth as the seer coughed violently, his body crouched.

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