30 - Esposa

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I just felt like ending it all and I did :/

Standing in front of him, I stab myself in the stomach with a knife. His eyes went wide like the zero I receive in exams. At the sight of the blood, he fell down losing his consciousness. At least I can die in peace knowing that he didn't engage with Khadija. Love makes you pull crazy stunts but there is no life without being with the one you love. I felt my eyes dropping the darkness of eternity takes over me.


Jk. The real chapter starts here⬇


After Husna assured me not to venture, I take a droplet of water dripping it in my eye to form fake tears. Content with my disarrayed mascara and liner, I head to the opposite division inside the men area.

Ya Allah if you are there somewhere then please help me. Help me get this over with no trouble. If I succeed, I'll wear hijab for a day. Do we have a deal Allah?

I didn't hear any reply but I was sure that I have been heard. Call it my sixth sense or my faith.

Rolling my sleeves up, I set in to begin some action. Shoving all men from my track, I invade in. There stood the love of my life wearing a simple white thobe, looking sexy as ever. Beside him stood Abdullah in the same attire but different colour.

By now every men's gaze was fixed upon me, including Zain's. I clear my throat and practice to speak in a gruffly voice.

Zain would easily recognize my natural voice, resulting in kicking me out. Taking a deep breath I let the actress April take over me, facing him.

"Ya Allah! How could you!? How could you do this to me Zain!? How could you remarry leaving me alone with this child? Ya Allah, what sin did I commit to see this day." I exclaimed crying loudly holding my stomach to add some preggo effect. There were murmurs heard all over, including the women section and I smirk to myself.

My voice was loud enough for the ladies to hear. Let's give them a show to gossip about.

"Excuse me, sister. You have been mistaken him for someone else. He is my son and he isn't married." Oh how badly I want to punch him. How could I forget that monstrous face of his. Today he'll wish to never have crossed my path as hell would have been an easier way for him.

"Sir, you were the one who brought proposal for me. You were the one who got me married to your son. I'm Aaniyah Alana and I'm Zain's wife!"

Everything went silent all so sudden. All of them had their mouth hung open and eyes as wide as saucer. Zain's expression was hilarious making it hard for me to not let a smile slip. He was baffled not believing the drama unfolding in front his eyes. Not knowing what to reply, he kept his mouth shut for good.

I then notice few ladies peeking from behind the curtain.

"What's the matter, my child?" Khadija's dad, Khalid said with a perplex a look across his features.

"I know Muslim men can have four wives, but at the night of our marriage Zain promised me that he won't remarry. His dad has been asking for a huge sum of money that my parents couldn't pay. So now he wants Zain to divorce me and marry some ugly duckling. But Zain loves me!" Wren's eyes were radiating anger that could push me six feet under.

"Is this true, Wren?" Khalid was somewhat believing my act and I hope for it to stay so.

"Of course not! I don't even know where this bitçh came from." I start crying when he cussed at me.

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