4 - The pretty girl

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This chapter is dedicated to IshaIslam123 my small reader ;)

As I walked through the school's gate, I had gained everyone's attention.

I can feel every guy's gaze on me. The popular one's even whistle at me.

Today I will make you look into my eyes, Zain Alana.

I caught Bethany staring at me. She is the girl every guy uses for his own purposed. No guy genuinely dates her.  She is really jealous of me as the word has been spread about my confession to Zain.

She thinks she 'loves' Zain. She doesn't know that love is not just for some days. Poor girl.

Okay. So maybe I'm a little jealous as is wearing a shorter dress than me. But Zain has already rejected her.

I enter my first class and take a seat beside that muslim girl. She smiled at me but I glared at her in return. Maybe I am being a witch but she stole my Zain, dude!

I pushed her books down, making them fall off the desk. She picked them up, laughing at me. Is she crazy?

Half of the class was finished with me glaring at her and other half was spent in sleeping.

After lunch break will be my math's class. I saw him passing by the corridor. So, no doubt he will be present in the class. But I need to do my last touch ups. Yea, I know make up stuff. I'm not a total tom boy.

I enter the ladies washroom and open up my make up kit. I don't need make up on daily basis, just when I plan something dirty.

There, the muslim girl exits the washroom and washes her hand. She didn't notice me yet and unwrapped her scarf.

I couldn't move my eyes from her.

She was freaking beautiful. With her black eyes and perfect black hair, reaching at her mid-back, she looks gorgeous. And to add she has a perfect tan skin which was shining like she did a perfect make up. But I can say that it’s her real beauty. She can steal a guy’s heart in an instant.

Why does she hide her beauty? She looks totally different without her scarf.

"Can you stop with your creepy stare?" She says turning her head towards me.

"Now I know what he sees in you." She gives me a confuse look.

"Zain, I now know what he sees in you. You are... pretty." I don't want to admit but she looks really pretty.

"I get that a lot. Wait, Zain? No, no, no. Don't tell me you think I'm his girlfriend or something like that." Now, I'm confused.

"And, what if I say that I think you are his girlfriend?" I stress the word 'are'.

“Yuck! That’s disgusting. He is like a brother to me. Why would you even think that?” Is she out of her mind? She sees that hot piece as a brother? This chick totally lost her marbles.

“He pushes away everyone in the corridor, but he picked your books up. I thought maybe there is something going on between you two.” I explained her truthfully trying to dig more in her relationship with Zain.

“I know him from years. He wouldn’t just push me away and go. He helped me because he knew that I was going to slap him if he didn’t picked up my books.” She seems really close to him. She dares to say that she can slap him. She is my way to Zain. Before I could ask her more about him, she was out of the bathroom.

I fix my make up and move for my next class. I hate math but I like Zain. How could I hate and love this period at the same time. I know, my imagination is beyond explanation.

I enter the class swaying my hips to grab his attention. Hi gaze was fixed on the book on his table. Every guy in the class looked at me but Zain and his friend was busy with in their own book’s world.

I sit behind him as there’s my place. I tried to grab his attention by making weird noises but he didn’t turn his neck. He was getting annoyed, I can say by his stiff shoulders. Someone’s playing hard to get, I see.

“April, submit me your homework.” Really? What am I? A kid?

Why is she specifically asking me?

“I’ll submit with the rest.” Today, I’m not taking the humiliation. She has a year left to humiliate me. But today’s not the day.

High-five to my super answer. I can get away from any situation with this mind.

“I want your homework, now.” She said in a really scary tone.

I open my bag but no book was seen.

“I forgot my book.” I wasn’t lying but from her face I can say that she thought so.

“Zain, check her bag.” Why doesn’t she believe me?

He snatched my bag and started taking out all the stuff from bag.

First he pulled out nutella jar. He stared at it for few seconds, and then dug out more.

My bread packet, mayonnaise, makeup kit, comb, knife (what? A pretty girl needs a protection.), a whipped cream packet, charger, superman shirt, attraction spray, an alarm clock, tooth paste, a plaster (to fake injury in my gym class), a water bottle any many more stuff.

The class laughed as they found it entertaining. As for me, I found nothing funny.

Lastly, he pulled out a tampon and stared it, analyzing what it is.

He quickly dropped it as soon as he realized what it was. His expression was funny and I laughed.

“There’s no book inside.” The teacher looked at me for seconds and then said,

“April East, you need help.” With that she continued her lesson.

I didn’t understand her. Why do I need help and for what?

After the class I sat in my place letting everyone out. I was the last one to leave.

When the school was over a blonde guy came to me asking for a nutella and bread. I threw my sneaker at him, hitting right in his face. He laughed at me not being affected and I threw my other sneaker.

That made him shut as his friends laughed at him. Take that blondie. He glared at me. Soon he was blocked from my view as I saw his back. The blonde guy quickly ran away. I’m sure Zain threaten him with his famous glare.

Every guy knows what that glare means. ‘You better move out of my sight or else I’ll squeeze you in pulp.’

Why did he help me? I was in no mood to talk to him. I was humiliated enough for today and I was not looking forward for a rejection.

He didn’t even look at me and I’m planning to ask him out.

Before I could make up my mind, he walked away from me.

“Creepy stare! If I ask you for a ride, will you throw you sneaker at me?” Why would I give her a ride.

“My brother left me and now I have no ride. Travelling in bus is uncomfortable for me.” As if hearing my thoughts she answered.

“Hop on,” I am sure she will decline as I had a bike. But smiling, she sat behind me.

If she wants to ride behind me then fine.

I’ll give her a ride to remember.

I smirk remembering Aiden’s scream when he sits behind me.

I wish you luck, pretty girl.

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