1 - Confession

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'Just go and tell him. Don't worry about the outcome,' I assure myself, taking in a deep breath.

'What's the worst that can happen? He will simply reject you, like he did to all others,' a voice in my head interfered.

I hate the voice of my conscience. It lowers my confidence but I won't let that voice take over. I have to man up and confess it to him.

'But you are a woman.' Again that voice taunts.

The lovely sound of the bell hit my ears and I start to pick up my mess, finally done with this class. I watch as he picks up his books and moves out from the crowd of the girls.

I knew spying on him is odd, but I can't help myself. I can't let him out of my sight. So, I too rush out picking up my pace.

'Today you have to do it as it's now or never. Grab this as your chance and confess it to him.' I say to myself.

But if he rejects me in the corridor people will laugh at me, as I have laughed at all the previous girls he rejected.

I'm not going to make a fool out of myself. I'll follow him and when I sight no one, I'll talk to him.

'Oh Universe, please help me!"

He ends up at the library, where the librarian gives me an evil glare from under those big glasses hanging on her nose. She hates me because she thinks I make too much noise whenever I'm in here.

Can't a girl read a book aloud? Stupid librarian.

She doesn't even lend me the books. She thinks that I tear them up. I told her it's my bag which does it, but she didn't hear me and said that I need medical help.

From that day we glare at each other whenever we meet.

I am grateful that at least she lets me enter.

"Could you please stop following me?" he says turning at me, looking irritated.

'April, he is a fighter. Leave before he punches you right on the nose.' that voice in my head whispered and I ignored it.

He has never hit a girl and I knew he never will.

"Are you done staring at me?" he says in a cold tone, looking behind me.

He never looks into my eyes. If he did, then I am sure he will fall for me. Yup, I have that pretty eyes.

"I want to talk to you," I said. But he continued looking behind me. I turned and saw no one.

I took a deep breath and continued,

"I'm April East. I have liked you for two years. First year I thought it was some stupid crush, but the next year I realized that I kind of... like you."

"It took me a year to confess as I was a little afraid of you. So, what say? Should we go on a date?" The words rushed out of my mouth. I didn't realize I was covered in sweat. Yea, I'm scared. So what?

"Astagfirullah!" He exclaimed at my face. I don't know what he said but I will search. For now I think, he is saying a yes.

"Date's on me. Be ready at-"

"Sorry, but I don't date," he says calmly and move towards the historic book shelf. Oh Universe, is he interested in history? The subject I suck at?

"Oy! Why not? Do you think I am not pretty because I'm not wearing a short dress? Hey, but I'm wearing shorts. Wait! Do you have a secret girlfriend? From what I know, you never talk to any girl in school. Except that muslim girl who bumped with you. Wait! Is she your girlfriend? That's why you helped her? You don't help anyone after pushing them in corridor. So, she is really your girlfriend. Oh Universe! I'm late. Mom was right. Why didn't I talk with you before? Now look what I did with my life and-"

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