35 - Romeo Juliet play

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No proof read or whatso ever.

"Open the door, April." The nerve of him to call out my name. I still can't come over the fact that they didn't tell me the truth and planned to take it to their garve. Only Universe knows what else they are hiding. Just right when I thought that I had a perfect family and we share all our secrets, I was proved wrong.

All these years I have been lied to. Did they not for a second thought that I had the right to know? It was about my dad, and the least was for me to deserve the truth about his death. All along I thought it was an accident but no, Universe was too cruel to let my father die peacefully like a normal human.

Right after Zain told me about it I ran to where he was locked up, demanding to see that human so I can transfer him into just a body. Unfortunately he was already shifted to the prison for only seven years. Just seven for a murder. For taking someone's life. All for just some piece of paper. Does money really costs human to give up their humanity? Is taking a life so easy? Does hiding the truth this easy? Didn't they feel the need to tell me truth as I'm his daughter. Don't I deserve to know about his death?

Not remembering since how long I have been crying, I lay down switching off my cellphone. Aiden might have told about it to Khadija and so the never ending missed calls I have received.

Sleep is a gift to human, which relives my anger and frustration and so I let it take over me falling into the depth of darkness trying to forget the day passed.

Something poked my cheek and it was nothing soft for sure. Ignoring it, I try to sleep again but Universe didn't seem to side with me today. The thing poked again and this time I grab it hard and put it between my teeth.

There stood Zain holding a cookie in his hands which had been poking me. Without a thought I bit on it and he in return yelped. Looks like someone got his fingers bitten.

"How did you get in my room." He started to scratch his beard which made me know that he was quite nervous.

"Khadija made me climb up... to your room." Wait! Is Zain Alana blushing like a tomato? I need to capture this right now. Damn, my cell's turned off.

"Did Aiden help you?" Khadija couldn't have pulled this off on her own and neither could have Zain.

"Of course. I was about to fall but hopefully Aiden caught me and so I'm here." Aiden holding Zain in his arms was not something that I should have imagined but his words made me think fiercely.

"I always had a doubt that you swing the other way. Just a heads up, my brother is straight." The look on his face was beyond confused. After a whirl of emotion he caught my words.

"No. No. No. Its nothing like that. He didn't actually catch me or anything. You just seemed upset so he called me." Funny how easily I forgot about it and started imagining Zain in my brothers arm. It doesn't even seems funny anymore.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll just leave." I didn't realise I was crying like a baby and that too in front of him. No day has been as embarrassing as today.

"Stay, please." As much as I wanted to pretend to be a big girl, it was no surprise that I needed someone.

"Something was in my eyes and that made me cry." He laughed and it seemed genuine, making me forget all about my problems. Its not everyday that you see Zain Alana smiling.

"You should smile more." Before I could take a hold on my tongue it was late.

It didn't caught him off guard as I expected. "You should cry less." Wtf?

What is this? Are we flirting with each other? What is going on between us? Are we having a decent conversation? Take that Bethany.

"You want to talk." Yes, I could talk to you all day, just stop showing your tantrums. Instead I said something aside the topic.

"Aiden didn't tell me the truth. My mom always said that my dad died in an accident. Why did your ex-father did that? How could he kill someone?" I have never missed my dad so much as today. He would have been here with me if Wren didn't planned to manipulate with my dad's car.

"He always had his eyes on the company but I never knew it was your father's. He wanted to form a relationship with Khadija's father and so was on set to get us engaged. He wanted something against Mr. Khalid Kahoor and his brother and so he could blackmail him. Mr. Khalid's brother worked in the special area where diamonds are cut, shaped and polished. He wanted access in that area to take over the business. He has been planning this for years, but finally he got what he deserved." No! He deserves worse. He should be skinned alive and bitten by bees or something worse.

There was a noise of something falling on the floor. It was a small rock. Another followed after from the window. Abruptly Zain stood up from my bed and ran to the window.

"Were you dead or what? We have been waiting for long enough." Moving I poked my head out to see Aiden and Khadija standing down.

"Wait, you were just supposed to check on my sister. What were you both upto!?" He shouted at the last and I'm pretty sure that my neighbours have found a source of entertainment.

"And you owe us an explanation that why were you guys flirting with each other. You done making babies yet?" I'm pretty sure that the colour of the tomatoes is dull than Khadija and Aiden's cheeks.

"W-we were-weren't." They both stuttered out the same words making my hesitation confirm.

"Have you guys wondered if you both were to marry each other, which one would first say 'I do'? Or will you both be like I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-" That's when I received a flying rock hitting my nose.

"I can say w-without stutter. I do." Never knew pretty girl could be so stupid.

"What is happening here? Why are guys at the window and why are you both outside? Wait, why did Khadija just say 'I do'?" Perfect timing, my dear Husna.

"Khadija causally just came and said she wanted to marry Aiden. We were just playing witnesses." Zain was coughing out his laugh while I kept my face straight.

"You little witch, I'll-" she was climbing the stairs furiously which Zain used a while ago but what no one knows is that I accidentally spilled oil on it some days back.

And that is what helped Khadija to shut up and fall down in my brother's arms. Looks like Aiden is on catching business today.

I stood on the window and opened my arms. "Catch me, too." Khadija fell from Aiden's arm to the ground and I fall back with laughter  in my room, luckily.

In a few seconds there was a knock on my door to which Zain opened. Aiden had a broomstick in his hands as he ran towards me.

"Hey look, Khadija fell again." He turned his head back and before he could detect my lie I was long gone past him, running into mommy's room.

She stood at the window smiling, looking out. She was awake all this time and did see our little episode.

"Mommy, Aiden wants to beat me to pulp." Her smile widen and I was freaking out by now, worried about her health.

"Your father would have loved you both for what you both grew up into." He would have? Of course I was his favourite but only me and mum knows that. Aiden doesn't have to know that.

Footsteps followed and my mind started to work.

"Wait, do you think dad would have been proud of your actions. Would he like to see you this way?" In a stiff and manly voice I said to add the effect.

"I-I-I..." Decided. Khadija will be the first to complete her 'I do', whereas my brother is going to take all day.

"Why don't you guys stay here for the night? Call Abdullah too." My mommy is the best mother anyone could ever have. Just thinking about Zain staying over at my place gives me goosebumps.

"No, I think we should get going. Ammi would be waiting for us at hotel." You stupid idiotic human being.

"Mommy can talk to your ammi. I'm sure she won't mind." And that is how April East took over the situation and solved the matter in only a second. What can I say, I'm just that amazing.

I know boring chapter but I'll make it up to you in the next :)

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