2 - Cheese cake

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So, I have decided to finally start this story and thanks to all those beauties who supported me even when I didn't start writing and updated just 1 chapter :D


Vote and comment if you enjoy :)


(Continuation of previous chapter)

"What did you burn?" I saw some black burned pieces in pan. There was smoke covered in kitchen. I put the pan in sink and open the tap, letting the water flow on it.

"I-I was t-trying to f-fry... those pieces of f-fish." Great! He is nervous. He stutters when he is nervous.

"Bro, you can't even fry frozen pieces of fish? And do you know that it needs oil to fry in? This Universe will not rain oil in your pan!" I didn't realize that I was yelling by the end.

Poor Aiden! He looks like someone has hurt his teddy bear. Yea, he loves that doll thing. Big stuffed teddy bear.

"I'm s-so s-sorry. I'll d-do whatever you say." Aw! He looks freaking cool while stuttering.

"Okay! Do my maths homework. There's this thing call algebra, which I can't freaking understand and I don't want to look like a total fool in front of him." Yeah! Today's homework will also be done by my dear brother.

"Him? No, no, no! Not him again. Do you really think that he will be interested in you by your homework? All guys are interested in checking out girls. He will not be impressed by your intelligence." Aiden leaves taunting me as always. But he also left a good suggestion. Maybe I can make him attract towards me. Make him notice me.

I'm sure he will regret rejecting me.

The beep interrupted my thoughts. I remove the tray from microwave and start decorating it. Yup, he has destroyed the pan beyond use. So, I have to bake the leftover pieces.

Once decorated, I take it to my mom's room and lay it on her bed. Mom calls Aiden while I make a drink. No! Not that kind of a drink. Just a fruit cocktail.

Me, mom and Aiden sit together on the bed and start eating. After some bites, I grab a jug of cocktail which was ready to slip, if Aiden didn't catch it.

"Mom! Is there anything which she can do without her clumsiness?" Aiden looks at me angrily. He hates my clumsiness.

"At least I cooked the lunch without burning it." I emphasized the word 'without', earning a laugh from my mom.

Aiden glares at me in return but I ignore it.

After lunch was finished, we all sat discussing our days. As always I was the only one speaking. Mom was in this bed and Aiden sitting beside her.

I repeated the whole scene with Zayn and Aiden listens carefully. I was waiting for him to shout after my last sentence but he didn't.

"You said something about the rumours going on a few days back. Like how he had beaten up the guy who was trying to kiss his girlfriend." Yes, that rumour was spread like wildfire but detective April has got into roots of the rumour and it turned out that it wasn't a lie.

"I heard that girl saying that his boyfriend was forcing himself upon her. And Zain did these right thing because if he haven't beaten him up, I would have. That's one the many reasons why I lo...ke him." Damn slip of the stupid tongue.

"Were you just about to say to love? I'm going to kill you if you ever say that again. Mom, did you hear what she said? She is just seventeen mom." I could see the flames appear from his nose and eyes full with anger. Anger to shield me, protect me from the guys who just use girls as their asset. But he needs to understand that Zain is different from others. Far much better than other guys I ever met in my life.

"Just go with the flow." Love you again, mom.

'Just go with the flow.' Aiden mimics mom's voice and in return he gets his ears pinch. Serves him right.

As we see mom's eyes closing, we get up making reasons to work, letting her get some rest. She rarely sleeps at night after dad died. So we let her sleep at daytime.

Aiden starts cleaning the vessels while I ready the ingredients for cake. We love eating junk foods at evening.

When Aiden was done with the vessels, I made him rest or so something in his room. He is so different from other guys.

After two hours the three step cheese cake was finally ready. I pick it up placing it in refrigerator. Due to the length, decoration was a bit spoiled sticking in the refrigerator. But it was still good. At least cooking is the only task that I can manage without being clumsy. I clean all the mess and go to take a rest.

There was a beep coming from my cell, mentioning that it was time for exercise. I run up to the gym room and start my daily routine of exercise.

An hour later I hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. It was hilarious seeing a guy lick his fingers eating a cake. I take out my cell and snap a picture without him knowing. I'm sure it will be of great use someday.

I slowly step towards him and then suddenly push him from back.

"Ah!" I wish I recorded that. He screamed like a fake nail chick. I was laughing so hard that tears started forming in my eyes.

"Aiden! What happened?" Mom's worrying voice interrupted my laugh.

"Mom, cake happened." Aiden shouts back.

I pick up the tray and drop it in my mom's bed. Mom's eye light up at the sight of three layer chocolate cheese cake.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you? I love you so much, baby." She says kissing both my cheeks.

I want to see this smile every single day. How can I survive without her? Where will I search this smile after she-

'No April! Stop right there. Only positive thoughts, no negative.' I don't hate that voice, much.

"Mom, I hate her." Aiden interrupts and mom laughs it away. Ha! Take that, bro.

"Baby, why are you not eating?" She makes a sad face at me.

"She has done enough licking while making it." Aiden you...

"At least I don't hide and eat and then lick my fingers." I had a smirk while he had a frown. I joined them and it was finished in some time. Yup! The whole three layers.

Mom didn't eat much but I and Aiden are growing kids. You get it, right?

"I'll leave for work. I don't think I'll need any dinner after this. So no dinner for me." He leaves kissing mom and me. Mom motion me to leave him to the door and I get up groaning.

It's hard to get up with stomach full.

"Aiden! You are leaving early. It's still five. I wanted to bring groceries from the store."

"Sorry. But Uncle called at the factory. It's emergency. You can call Mary to stay with mom." He pouts the end and I push him towards his bike. Who can resist that cute pout?

I head back inside and call Mary.

"Sorry Aiden but I can't come today."

"Okay. By the way, how is your granddaughter's health?"

"She is still crying from her stomach pain. I can't leave her. Sorry April."

"No problem, Mary. I'll see you tomorrow." Mary is mom's friend. She watches over mom everyday, like her nanny. And she takes no money, no gifts, nothing.

She says that she wants her reward from the Creator of this world.

We don't believe in any Creator because we are atheist.


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