Chapter 6

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Angels POV

I fall to my knees and gasp for air. I feel my back and feel my feathery wings. I sigh with relief.

The side of my face aches and I think I'm going to have a black eye.

I look around the cold, dark alley. The erasers were gone, well except the two that layed lifeless on the ground. Gazzy is standing over Iggys body. I walk over and stand next to him.

I shake Iggy for a few seconds. Then he opens his blue, senceless eyes and sits up.

"You know you could've warned me we were surronded by erasers, Angel." Iggy spit blood onto the sidewalk.

"We survived, didn't we?" I grin. I'm still not sure how.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a girl. She watches me from a distance and then starts walking away.

"Stay here!" I say to them as I run towards this mysterious girl. I stand just feet behind her.

"Why did you helps us?" I ask still confused. She is the only other person around it has to be her. But she doesn't look strong enough. There is something strange about her.

She shrugged.

She had long, dark hair and olive colored skin.

"Your not normal are you?" I ask.

"What would you call normal?" She says facing me, her dark eyes looking me up and down. I fold my wings behind my back.

"Your a mutant, like me right."

"Your really cute kid, but I have to go." She says quietly.

"Where?" I ask. I know she won't tell me, anyways. I concentrate hard, trying to read her mind.

So many thoughts are jumbled everywhere. The only thing I can tell is that she really wants to go and she doesn't trust me.

"I'm tired." Gazzy says behind me, Iggy standing next to him. Gazzy whistles at the girl. I elbow him in the side.

She blushes and looks at the ground. "This is Gazzy, Iggy, and I'm Angel." I tell her. She looks about Max's age. "I'm Winter." She continues. "and I'm not normal." Winter half smiles. She release her wings behind from her back.

All of our jaws drop, well except for Iggy's since he can't see.

Her wings are beautiful with black feathers that seem to shine purple in the dim light.

She almost looks familiar.

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