Chapter 13

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Yugi P.O.V

"Alright then, what's the plan?" I asks but I have a really bad feeling about this! No, I need to stay calm, Joey is not that bad...

"We gonna seduce him!" He is worse then bad, What the...

"Hell Joey!? I can't seduce anyone, especially not Yami!" I yell at him and he covers his ears. I guess I still have that high pitch scream huh, well to bad for Joey, I think?

"Aw come on Yug', it'll be fun!"

"Fun?! Oh no Joey, plan B right now." Like I could ever do that! I just wish he actually have a plan B.

"Alright, alright plan B. Dates!" He says and throw his arms up in the air. Did he take a cup of coffee or something before he got here? 'Cause that is not good for him, apparently. Alright I need to remember, never give Joseph Wheeler coffee, got it. Wait, why did I call him Joseph?


"Huh, wha? Yeah alright ehm, dates?"

"Yeah, but he won't know!" To much coffee.
"So, not, dates? I'm sorry Joey but I'm really lost here."

"What is there to be lost about? You're just gonna ask him if he want's to go somewhere, without telling him that it's a date! Then for every date it gets more and more... Romantic?" Joey says and I just shakes my head at him. But at least this idea is better then the last one. I can't even imagine what ideas he had in mind when he thought that. What if he was gonna make me wear those strip things... Alright enough of that image! I never thought that I would... Wait, I see three flaws with this plan.

"Uhm, Joey, I like the plan but there is just three things that may ruin it..." I say and Joey looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" He asks.

"Well, first of my mom and grandpa will be coming home today and, well the plan is pretty, lame. So I'm not that sure it will work." I answer and Joey smiles at me, or rather down at me.

"That's where I come in!" He says and I just look at him. He laughs at me before he continues. "I'm gonna follow you two and make sure that nothing will get in the way and to make sure that, you know, the 'date' will get the right mood." Unbelievable, but it is Joey and I don't really have a better idea. What can go wrong? Knowing Joey, everything, but I'm gonna trust him.

"Alright, but there is still one last thing, or more like person..." I says and Joey already knows what I'm talking about.
"Don't worry, if Tea shows up or tries to ruin it you can just say that you two are just out having fun ya know?" He says and I squirm a little.

"Well, yeah about that." I says and Joey looks at me suspiciously.

"Yug' what did ya do?" He asks and I squirm again.

"Well I kinda, told her... About Yami." Joey looks at me and shakes his head.

"Yug' why? Wouldn't it had been just easier if you didn't tell her." That wasn't a question and I guess he's right. But it felt so good to tell her, to see the her face when I told her, but I guess it wasn't the best move. Oh well what done is done and cant be undone. I shrug my shoulders.

"What done is done Joey and to tell the truth, I don't regret it. Who knows, maybe she actually accepted it after she had thought it through. She did say before that she had changed."

"I don't know Yug', but I trust you. If you think that then sure. Now come on, we need to figure out the details to our lame plan!" Joey says while he trow his arms up in the air and I can't help but laugh at him. 


O-o Yeah, pretty lame plan huh? I know, BUT IT'S ALL I HAVE!!!!! Don't worry thou, I'm gonna try and make the dates a little bit more... Joey style.  And if you do have any sugestions that can help me, then I'm all ears, it can make me update faster!

Update faster, yeah. I probably say this alot but this time I don't have an excuse, more than that I couldn't come up with a plan and school** I mean geez they're killing me!! This week will it not be as much so i can probably update, if i get any good ideas...

And now, the last thing that is on my 'to say list' *drum rolls*                                             Yami. DONE! So see ya, hopefully, in chapter 14! 

(Also sorry for the short chapter, next chapter, I PROMISE, will be much longer. I will make it up to you all!!!)

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