Chapter 9 /Edited/

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Thanks to the randomness of this chapter (I hated it) have I rewriten the whole chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Yami's been really down lately. Whatever it was that he dreamed about really put him off, and I'm sure the fever and headaches he gets all the time isn't really helping the matter either.

I wish I could do something for him, I don't like seeing him so down.... I wonder if Joey knows what to do, but, I can't always ask him. I sigh as a ran a hand through my hair. I don't really have any other options. Staying inside the whole day and do nothing? Yeah that will make him better I'm sure!

God, why am I so bad at this?

I walk down the stairs to get the phone before quickly dialing Joey. I hope I don't interrupt something, it was awkward enough first time I did it and that time I didn't use the phone... Why didn't I use the phone? Some pictures just wont leave your head and this one, is one of them. I guess we all have to learn but, I didn't wanna learn it that way!


"Hey Joey, ehm, can I ask you a question?"

After deciding which time we would meet up I hang up and smiled before putting the phone in it's original place and walking up the stairs to my room where I knew Yami would be.

And sure thing, the first thing I see when I open the door is Yami sprawled out on the bed with the cat on his chest. That weird cat, he really likes it I wonder if it will stay forever.

"Yami?" I ask carefully before smiling and stepping fully into the room when I hear a quiet answer from my dark. "You want to come see a movie? Joey and Kaiba were on their way there and asked if we wanted to come."

"Yeah, sure." A yawn. "I'm tired of being stuck in this house anyway." He says as he moved the cat and stood up, stretching his muscles before looking over at me. I really hope I don't droll, he has no shirt on. Oh god he said something, eh, what did he say? Come on brain work!

"Ehm, now?" Can I sound more pathetic? At least it seems like I said the right thing as he walks over to the wardrobe and puts a shirt on. Why, I'm not sure, after all he doesn't need it. For all I care he can walk around shirtless. Thou, for my brain sake maybe he should have a shirt on.


"Huh? Eh, yeah. Come on, Joey said they were gonna pick us up." I say before I hurry out of the room. I hope they come soon, before I make more of a fool of myself.

Fortunately enough for me were Yami and I picked up only minutes after we came down stairs and we were now all standing inside the cinema, looking at all the carious posters for the movies they had.

Neither of us were really sure what we should watch so in the end we decided to let Joey choose. I'm not sure what kind of movie he took since I was with Seto at the time, trying to convince him that he didn't have to pay for me and Yami, since this whole thing was my idea more or less, but as always was he to stubborn to back down and it ended with us not having to pay anything. Not even the popcorn! He didn't allow us to buy anything for our own money, just cause I told him we could pay our tickets on our own! Talk about weird guy. Joeys perfect match.


"Hm?" I look to my side where Yami was sitting, the movie had been on for about an hour now, how long was this one?

"You don't like it? You seem out of it,"

"No it's good I'm just, thinking. Got stuck in my own thoughts again you know." I say and Yami laugh quietly. My bad habit of getting stuck in my own head is something he knows well, I don't know how many times he's saved me from walking into lamp posts or out on the road without looking. Would I be alive without him? I'm not so sure,

"Don't think such dark thoughts aibou, of course you would be alive," I haven't heard that nickname in a while, feels good to hear it again. I open my mouth to thank Yami but instantly shut it as he continues. "You would probably just have a little brain damage from running into signs."

"Real funny Yami." I say as I glare at him and smiles innocently back at me.

"What? I'm just telling the truth, you were the one who told me to never lie remember?"

"I hate you." I mumble as I put my arms over my chest, a frown on my face,

"Love you too." Which instantly turns into an embarrassed red tomato. I know he just joked but, come on! Really? Damn him.

I have to admit, the movie wasn't that bad however, I couldn't help but get irritated at how they made the girl protagonist. Who would be dumb enough to believe the villain, the villain! Your enemy! Why would you believe a person who's showed to be evil countless of times over your best friend?! Who would do that?

Other then this irritating little thing, the movie was pretty good! Didn't Joey would pick on that I would like since, well we don't really have the same taste in movies, far from it.

"What did ya think Yug?"

"It was pretty goof, you've seen it before?" I asked Joey as we stepped out of the cinema and shook his head.

"Nope, but I've seen the trailer and it seemed like a good movie." He answered before he quickly looked over at Yami and seeing as he was talking to Kaiba about, who knows what, he quickly turned to me. A look on his face that could only mean trouble and as we got closer to the parking lot I realized, he's moving us away from the car.

The cinema we were on had two parking lots, one on either side of the building and we had parked the car on the right side, but now, we were all standing on the left side.

I was just about to ask Joey about it before he took a hold of Kaiba's arm, saying, "Have a safe walk!" Before literally dragging the other with him towards the other parking lot. Both me and Yami stared after them, confusion written all over our faces and it wasn't until we saw the black car leave and vanish behind a few houses that I snapped back into reality.

"What the hell?" Yami asked as I guess he to was back and turned to me, probably looking for an explanation but I just shrugged. I have an answer to Joey's weird behavior but, I'm not gonna tell him that!

"I think, we just have to walk home." I say slowly before starting to walk down the road. Joey's lucky it's not far, about a twenty minutes walk.

"I guess." Yami says as he joins me on the sidewalk.

I admit, Joeys plan may have been good however, it didn't end as he probably thought it would. Yami and I talked about school, what he had missed and what he had to do so he wouldn't be behind anymore. However, that was about it, the rest of the walk was mostly quiet. Which was weird, for both of us. Usually we always have something to talk about since neither of us have ever found it hard to talk to each other. But today it seemed like it wasn't that easy.

Fortunate enough was it not an uncomfortable silence, quite the opposite actually, I rather enjoyed it. Talking to Yami is always fun and I always enjoys it, even if hes being an ass, but sometimes it's nice just being able to be near him. Feeling his presence right beside me, I love that just as much as I love having conversations with him and I'm sure Yami feels the same way. Well, I hope he does.

Like I always says sorry for the soooo long wait for this chapter. But I needed some time to think about this book and i had problem with school. Plus I had other books that people waited for too, so yeah, i had a little problem there. But i think i can update fast now actually, school is soon out for me and I know almost the whole plot or this book now.
Also, again sorry, but I did make a longer chapter, i hope that makes it easier for you all to forgive me. Oh and yes, this book is starting to get a little dark, but don't worry it will get much darker in the end^-^

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