Chapter 10

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PLEASE, read the author's note in the end of this chapter!

I'm not gonna lie, this is driving me insane. I don't know if I should really trust Joey with this. I mean yeah, he's my best friend and all but. He's still Joey. I'm not saying that I don't trust him or anything. I trust him with everything, he's such a great friend, like a brother to me, but, with this? With my life hanging like this, I don't know if I can trust him then.

But that's only a part of my little troubled world. Yami is acting strange, sometimes he just blacks out. But when we ask him about it he just shakes his head and says nothing. But I know he's lying, i can see it in his eyes. But he refuses to say it. And then there's Tea. I still haven't answered her. But she has gone back to our group again, she is always looking at me, she's trying to hide it, but I know she does.

But I'm not the only one who sees that, Yami does too, and he is also the only one who really knows how much Tea hurt me. He asked me yesterday if I was okay with this, with Tea. I told him that I didn't know, but I think he can feel how uncomfortable I am around her. Every time she comes to close Yami always steps between, and, in some way, always gets me and him away from the others. I don't know how he does it, but in some way he does. One more thing I love about him, getting out from awkward or bad situations, that's something he is really good at.

But Yami can't protect me forever, and i know that, I know that someday I need to give Tea an answer and I know that she is not gonna like it.

But of course, my luck is not really that great theses days. I'm always having bad luck, and today is no different.

The teacher asked Yami to stay after class, I don't know why, she never said. But I promised Yami to stay and wait for him, and of course I meet Tea.

"Yugi!" By the call of my name, I turned around. Like a trained puppy. A girl with brown short hair and high heels ran towards me, Tea. Of all the people it was Tea, and Yami still hasn't come back out. Yay me.

Before I can stop myself I sigh. It was now or never. I can't keep this up anymore, I can't ask for help for everything I do in my life. Yami have helped me a lot. He manage to keep me away from Tea, long enough for me to realize something. Joey is helping me with this... I don't know what it is, this little love game I've somehow gotten myself into.
But now, I have to do this myself. If I don't say anything now, then I never will.

"Oh, hey Tea." I answered. She stopped in front of me and looked me in the eyes.

"Well, Yugi." She said and placed her hands on her hips. If she think it made her look pretty, it really didn't, if she think it made her look scary, it didn't. It made her look like a clown, really. But I guess it was more the clothes she had, and the makeup.
But anyway, back to the topic. I needed to tell Tea today, and I needed to do it know.

"Tea." I said, my voice was surprisingly firm. I took a deep breath and looked back at her. Eye to eye. "It took me some time to really understand. But now I do, you hurt me Tea. You really did, and then when I needed someone the most, you wasn't there. It was Yami. He has been my cliff all this time." I looked back at the school entrance. Making sure that Yami wasn't coming out and then continued. "I don't hate you Tea. But I don't love you either." Tea blinked, and blinked, and blinked. She looked like a fish out of water. It was kind of amusing really.

"Yugi..." She was about to say something but I stopped her with my hand. Before I continued.

"I wasn't done. I loved you before, but I don't think I really loved you then either. More like a crush." I cant read her expression anymore. But neither do I care about what she thinks right now. "And now I realized something. Or more, I realized it for some time ago." Tea don't know that I love Yami. Only Joey know. I never told anyone else. But now its time for my secret to come out again. Tea needed to know. I don't love, and I don't think I ever did. It was more a crush. I thought I love her cause I love Yami, but always thought that I couldn't have him. It wasn't right to him. But now I know, Joey will help me, and if Yami doesn't love me now. Then I will do everything I can to make him love me. I will not force him, I could never do that, but I could try in other ways, and try I will.

My crush on Tea was more a misunderstanding on my part. By thinking that I could never be with Yami, I made this little crush to be love. By forcing myself to think that it was love. But was never love, not now, not ever, and now that I have seen her real side. I don't think my friendship with her is still there either. No, she's not my friend anymore. She's nothing to me, she hurt me more than I can ever imagine and now she thinks I will just forgive her.

"I love Yami." Now she really looked like a fish on land. But something is off, she looks, angry. Why? Shaking my head again I look at her. I can hear the door to the school open and then it closed. I know that it is Yami, I can feel it, and in a lower voice I told her one last thing. "I have loved Yami since I meet him, I don't love you and I never did. I always loved Yami. I'm sorry Tea. But I do not love you, not now, not ever." Then I turn around and ran up to Yamis side.

I looked back at Tea, and to be honest. I felt good. Finally I got that of my mind. Now there's only Yami to worry about, or more Joey.
"Aibou?" Looking up I meet Yamis crimson eyes looking at me. He don't call me aibou that often. He only used it if he really wanted my attention. Which he always got.

"What is it Yami?" I asks and Yami looks at me and then back at Tea and then back at me again.

"What happened with Tea?" He asks and I smiled at him.

"Nothing special, just something I've wanted to say for quite some time now. Don't worry your head about it or you will probably get a fever again." I answered and he frowns at me before he looks away. But I know that hes not angry at me. It was more a playful frown, and I must say, it fits him quite well.
"Hey Yami?" I asks and he looks at me. "Can you help me with something?" He looks at before he nodded.

"What do you need my help with?" He asks with a curious look.

"You remember when Joey and Tristan colored my whole face in paint?" I asked and Yami looked away. But he was to slow, I had already seen the smile on his face, and I know he is trying to not laugh. "I take that as a yes." I said and Yami looks back at me.

"Gomen, I'm sorry, what about it?" He asks and I smiles at him.

"Well I was just thinking you know. You're better at making up plans and all that than I am so." He looks at me suspicious before I can see a glint in his eyes. Now he understand where I'm going at.

"Ah I see. But I didn't think you liked when I did those kind of things." Yami said smirks at me.

"Well, now its personal, revenge."
First, I'm not even gonna apologize 'cause I have done that enough already. But I am gonna say that I've finally manage to make this story into something I like. I have edited the others chapter a little bit, 1-6 or 1-5 I think it was, and now I really like how this book is.
Which means I now fully can enjoy writing this book, and I hope you know what that means. I LIKE WRITING THIS BOOK NOW!! And I think my inspiration for these books are getting back now to, let's just hope that.
Oh and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I don't know if you have to read the other chapters again, I don't think it was that big of a change, but if you want to, then you know which chapters there is.

P.S In the next chapter, will you know Yugi and Yamis little plan for, revenge!

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