Chapter 22

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Yami had agreed on my idea and we were soon out and walking in the warm air. Thou it was getting colder and colder thanks to how late it was starting to become, but that didn’t bother us.

While we walked we talked about, practically anything. But the thing that I personally wanted to talk about, but he didn’t know that and I didn’t feel like asking him about it… So we were all good!

“You think mom was in on this too? She did act kind of… Weird, before we left.” I asked and Yami shrugged.

“Probably. You remember the call she got? She got weird right after that and it was Kaiba that had called her.”

“Hmm, that's true. Which reminds me, where do we go later? I mean, we can’t walk around like this for the whole night”

“I got a message from Kaiba before. He told us to just call the number he sent me whenever we wanted to get back.” Yami answered as he showed me the message.

After we cleared that up we again started to talk about, well, anything really. None of us seemed to really care what we talked about nor did any of us care of where we went. I think we walked around for almost two hours before we noticed that we could not walk any longer.


“No, really? I didn’t see that.” Yami answered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. I just glared at him before turning my head to look back at the water. I’m not sure where we are, I hope Yami does if not then I’m not sure how we are supposed to get back.

A sudden noise behind me startles me and I turn around, only to find Yami sitting down on the sand, writing something on the phone before shutting it of. 

“I think we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.” Yami said as he shifted to sit more comfortably. I looked at him before I move to sit down beside him.

“Whys that?” I asks him curiously and Yami explains that he just texted Kaiba telling him that they didn’t know where they were but that they both was starting to get tired. “How did you know that? I never said anything.” I asked and Yami raised an eyebrow at me.

“Yugi, aibou. I can read your mind. Most of the time at least.” He says and I feel how my cheeks becomes red. Turning my head away from him I mumble I quiet 'right´.

We again sit in silence. There’s not much to talk about anymore. We’ve practically already talked about well, everything. Or maybe not everything. I think as I move my head a little to look at Yami. His gaze seems to be stuck on the ocean in front of us, but I can’t even move to see why. I just wanna sit like this forever, looking at him, at Yami.

I’m not sure what came over me. I saw Yamis eyes turn to look right in to mine, I saw him looking at me questioningly and I saw is mouth open to speak but I never heard his words. I remember thinking something, though what I was thinking is gone, but that’s all. I don’t remember when I leaned in nor do I remember when our lips meet. All I can remember is the fact that I’m sitting in the middle of who knows where, kissing my crush.

When it finally dawn on me of what I was doing I pulled away and looked up at Yamis face. I can see nothing but shock, no other emotion at all. Well, at least that means he’s not angry, right?

“I’m… eh, Yami I-” This isn’t working. God why am I so stupid? I look down at the ground, I don’t wanna see his face. I really don’t. What am I gonna do now? I destroyed everything didn’t I? Stupid brain why you do this to me?!

“That’s one way to confess, I guess.” I blink, did he just? “Thou, I didn’t expect you to do it like that.” He, wait-

“Expect?!” I yell shocked as I look up at him. “What? Why are- What are you talking about?” I asks and Yami laughs at me before moving closer and putting his hands on my shoulders.

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