Chapter 7

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I'm back, again, I was never gone, I need to get a life... I really do don't I? *sighs* we'll here's the chapter! Ohhhhhhhhh before I forget, this is first in Yugis POV and then in Yamis, you will see that, but it wanted to write it, cause it like to write dunno.... So I dunno why I wrote that...

"Bye Yami!" I yell, and a quiet 'hmm' is the only answer I get, but that doesn't surprise me, he's tired and bored. I would have acted that way too, I think.

Well who cares, I sound like a mom and I'm going to kill my two best friends when this whole love thing is over. Well, not really kill them, just, I dunno. Maybe Yami can help me, he's good at torturing people, even if he has said he isn't doing it anymore. I don't know If I can trust I'm fully in that word.

Yamis POV

Bored....bored....bored....bored.... Why did he force me to stay home? This is boring, who knows what I could have snapped up in school, but I guess I just have to wait and see. Would be funnier if I knew though, I wonder how long he is going to go with this, and I must say, I'm surprised. He asked Joey, of all people he asked Joey for help, with love... Why? Not that I have anything against him, but Joey, about love? I thought I had teach him better than that. Oh well, will be fun to see where this will go.

I turn off the TV and looks up at the roof, it's awfully quiet in here, I hate it. That's why I went out that day, that funny little day...


I wonder why Yugi has been acting so weird lately. He's always blushing when he sees me and speaks weird, really weird. I really want to help him, but he doesn't let me. Saying its nothing. I wonder why he's lying, did I do something wrong?

A quiet meow stops me in my tracks and I turn around. I look at the alley behind me, and sees a cat. It's black, looks almost like a shadow. I would never had seen it if it hadn't meowed. It's eyes looked almost like gold, and she or he, I can't really tell from here, had a white stain on the tip of the tail. Other than that, was it all black.

The cat walks up to me and I crouch down and holds out my hand. The cat stares at it for a few seconds before it licks it and moves closer.

"Hey little one, are you alone?" I asks while I stroke the cats head. I think it's a girl. Its hard to say, but something is just telling me it, and I don't really want to look. So I just stick to that thought, or feeling.
She purrs and before I know it. Has she jumped up on my arm and was now laying comfortable on my back, or more neck. She is very light, I wonder if she is someones. Or if she's just another ally cat. But she doesn't really look like an ally cat. I can't feel, or see, any wounds on her and her fur isn't as shabby as most ally cats fur is. A really weird cat indeed.

Suddenly her ears moves and she looks behind me. Turning around, I can see what she was looking at. Yugi. I wonder what he's doing here, it's really late and there's school tomorrow.

Just when I was about to go up to him and ask him what he was doing out so late. Meowed the cat again and I looked to the right. Joey. I heard him yelling Yugis name and saw Yugi turn around.

Joey stops in front of Yugi and I can hear Yugi asking him what he was doing out here. I shrugged at that and started to turn around. But the cat meowed again and I stopped.

Just then I heard Yugi talking. I couldn't quite hear what he said. Only a few words. 'Help', and 'Yami'.

What have I done? I haven't done anything as far as I know. Or have I? No I'm sure, that was a long time ago, I haven't done anything. So now, curious. I moved closer to the two teens. Making sure I stayed in the shadows and didn't made any sound.

"That took long. But what really do you need my help with, just tell him, he can't say more than no."

Tell me what? I haven't done anything wrong that's for sure now, but...

"He can say no and then throw up..." I frown at that and I can promise that if the cat could, then it would frown to. Why would I throw up? What the heck are they talking about?

"But that's not what I'm afraid of! Don't you remember?"Remember, by the look on Joeys face, no he do not remember. To much Seto in that head and it seems like, whatever Yugi is thinking about, there is to much of that in his head too. I watched as Joey tried to take Yugi back to the real world.

"I said, that I remember why you can't tell him, that he can't say no 'cause he don't want to hurt you, and that Tea hurt you really bad." Tea? Wait a minute, Yugi had a crush on her. Before she broke his heart, that witch. But what does all this have to do with me?
I can't say no because I don't want to hurt Yugi, Tea hurt Yugi when he asked her... Out. But that can't be right, right? Yugi is, is he in love with me?

"I have a plan." Joey has a plan? Well this is interesting. Suddenly a wave of pain ran trough my head, making me dizzy and I almost collapsed on the ground. The cat meowed again and I decided that I had heard enough. It was better to think about this another day, when my head wasn't hurting as much.

When I came back home at the game shop was the cat gone. I don't know when she had jumped down, if she was in the house or not, and right now could I care less. My head hurt and the living room was spinning. Not seeing the couch in front of me, I tripped and feel down on it and at the same time, the door to the game shop opened. Yugi is home.


Now that I think about it, where did that cat go? Just then something purred on my stomach and looking at it. I saw the black form of the little cat. Laying comfortably on my stomach. Sighing I looked back up at the roof.

I like this chapter, it was fun to write, I'm still a little in Bakuras head, so I'm still a little pshycho, sorry about that, but I like it, and I like that cat, and I like everything right now.... As I said in the beginning, I need a life, I really need a life.*sighs*

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