one of many

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the first thing i notice as the smoke clears, a giant ice spike was standing in front of me leading up to a dome shaped platform of ice, the thing that confused me was the fact that it looked like fire was within the ice, molding around it and holding it steady. the smoke was almost completely clear now, i looked around and spotted Jason, Luna, meg and David i ran over to them and luckily they were all fine, but meg was passed out on the floor we checked on her and she was ok just unconscious, we would have to help her after " what the hell just happened" Luna was trying to take control even though she looked as dazed as the rest, they all seemed to be ok though all we need to do was find the others.

" i know what happened and we need to get to the top of the ice as fast as we can there in danger look!" as we all looked up we saw the impersonator, the one who made the bomb go off floating up there on bat wings, we looked at each other as out eyes started to glow, it was weird seeing so many of us together openly using out gifts, as we concentrated we all saw our gifts come out my shadow flowed around me like a magnificent dragon till it changed and morphed till it was my familiar dragon, i looked around and saw Jason's dragon form in front of him, he looked so peacefully, then you look at Luna and so looked so determined and strong even though she is like tiny, her ocean blue and gold seahorse started to swim around her and she looked the strongest iv ever seen her, where as David, i didn't know what David looked like so i couldn't wait to see his.

i looked over and saw David glowing with pride, his one looked like a majestic beautiful shimmering bird like a Phoenix made out of silver like fire swooping around him and as we all concentrated they started to weave in and out of us all, a circle platform appeared below us swirling with each of ours fires, it started to rise up higher and higher, all of us are in shock not knowing what to do we all kept going till we reached the dome of ice, inside i could see a dolphin covered in ice floating around inside as well as a red flaming horse prancing protecting the two girls in the center, on the other side of the dome we saw the changer hitting and hitting the dome with weird things that looked like energy blasts slowly cracking it.

we could feel electricity in the air, crackling the atmosphere, i looked over and saw that David was fuming i don't know why he was so angry we all were, but he was positively boiling over, his eyes were glowing the brightest silver i have ever seen "David are you ok?" he glanced at me "yh" and with that his Phoenix latched onto his back and with the speed of a eagle he shot of towards the changer, suddenly clouds started to roll in,  at first i thought nothing of it but they got darker and darker, as we watch David we saw that he was face to face with the changer, that's when we suddenly realised where the clouds came from when David raised his arms and lighting shot down into his palms, no one said a word we didn't know what just happened,  we all stared and suddenly you could hear electrical currents crackling as a blinding light was shining out of his hands, he was holding lightning, pure lighting from the sky.

the changer gathered the energy ball things into his hand and it was a face off, David started first throwing bolt after bolt at the changer but he dodged each one, all we could see is bolt after bolt, ball after ball being thrown at each other but we could see David was tiring, i couldn't let him get hurt and with that thought me and my dragon flew off to help, i can hear Jason shouting my name in worry, my heart swelled but i couldn't let anyone else get hurt, my vision started to tint black and i new they were shining a absolute black,shadows came from all around at my will shooting at the changer, tiring to distract him while other ones flowed up and wrapped themselves around him, taking his eyesight away and rendering him blind.

with thin i had Jason by my side making sure i wouldn't get hurt but he should be worrying about me, David looked exhausted and with that the blinding silver left his eyes and he started to fall, before any of us could move Ellis and Becca's dome opened up and he slid into it with them, he landed next to them both unconscious, Luna came over looking pissed now, i knew what her temper was like, she looked over at the changer, even with him being blind he could feel her stair, he froze his panicking and looked in her direction, Luna was fuming and her eyes were glowing a deep blue, spears of water flew up from the ground, me and Jason fly out the way as they just missed us, up into the changer piercing his wings, causing him to fall to the ground his sight returning as the wind got knocked out of him, he looked up at us and shot ball after ball at us, shining light in-cased us all as Jason floated there protecting us all from his shots.

before we could do anything Jason's shield dropped just as the iced dome opened up and Elli walked out ice forming from her feet like a bridge appearing out of nowhere, her eyes looked like she could kill at this moment, with out warning ice spikes shot out of the ground barley missing us all, we were all frozen in shock as ice covered Elli from head to toe, she got closer and closer to the changer, almost face to face  "you dare to hurt my sister!" her voiced echoed of all the ice surrounding her, she pulled her arm back, a shining ball of ice formed with small spikes on inside her hand, just as she was about to shoot it at the changer he hit her straight in the stomach with an energy ball, no knew what to do but be for she fell she embedded it into his chest, as Elli hit the ground her ice ball exploded with sharp deadly spikes and after that we couldn't see the changer again.


its so dark, all i can feel is the coldness seeping into my skin, nipping at my bare flesh, know one knew i could hear or that i could feel my body was numb like i was in a deep slumber, don't know why or how but iv been asleep for a very long time.

"madam i hope you can hear me i have news for you" Finaly the same person has came each time and told me what was happening "your brother sent a changeling after them, he was disgusted as one of the girls he captured" i could here the disgust in his voice "but the good news is that the girl escaped and got there in time to fight the changeling madam, she killed him" his voice went from happy and hopefull to sad and worried " three of them are unconscious or worse we have yet to find out what has fully happened we only no the basics, I'm sorry and hope you will feel better soon" with that i heard him stand up and like each and every time he visited he place a warm gentle kiss upon my forehead and left the room leaving me with my thoughts.

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