prophesy starts

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i feel so much power around us i don't see anything except me and Jason, everywhere else is white and black. i look at Jason's face, we both had the same thought "where is everyone else?" with me saying that we started to see a tunnel appear, and people running towards us. "guys hurry up" Jason shouted to them knowing exactly who they are as they got closer a hole in the roof of the black and white opened up too.


I'm running straight at the monsters, what am i thinking! as i summon my spirit my flaming seahorse appears under me so I'm riding it, hatred and anger boils inside me and as it does water appear around me flowing like a magnificent wave to come crashing on our enemies, it wipes the majority of them out but the ones that are still standing pushed me over the edge i held my hand out, i whip generates in my closed fist looking like the ocean solidified, long flexible and sharp. i turn my focus upon them and with that the whip was flying through the air. only then did i notice the dome cracking.


me and my sister fighting together hand in hand that is how it is suppose to be, from the start. our spirits carrying us into this fight we wont give up, i feel out powers fighting it out in out hands, but we are evenly matched. we both start to shoot spears out of our free hands till we over heard Damien, as i reach him i say "you need cover?" he nods his head as he starts to pull shadows to him "me and Jason needs it and we need you all to keep them at bay, there are alot more coming and we can get rid of them" I'm looking at him trusting him "how long do you need?" he looks at Jason be for speaking " i need five" i smile five i can do and ill create a dome to help, as I'm doing this i faintly hear him speak "thank you" with that the dome closes and were left protecting it from sky and land.

that's when trouble starts the monsters rush forwards and attack each of us killing as many as we can, i hope we can give them enough time, one runs at me claw ready, lifting my hands into the air as a sword of crystallized ice appears in them, i swing it decapitating the thing in one go. i see Becca doing the same setting them ablaze. she runs over to me "how long?" i look at her and smile "five minutes" we smile and take each others hands, as we do we feel a spark of power, lifting us into the air it starts to shimmer around our hands till spears and arrows are forming in the air, the not just ice or fire, there both joined together. ice shaped spears with relentless fire inside shooting out its ends, arrows ablaze but still intact. with one move of our hands the shot forward killing them all in front of us. then the dome starts to crack and we stand back.


i fly out with my phoenix bursting free and engulfing me lightning firing where i say and down goes the things i see, some people are going to think I'm sadistic but oh well, burn, burn, fry ahaha this is fun, but then i have to be serious as the girls put a dome over Damien and Jason, i hope there plan works we are all protecting them now, i keep firing and firing but that wasn't enough, i needed to help, with that one thought power surged inside me my phoenix shrieked and started to create lightning for its body and with that we shot tens of bolts at a time from flapping our wings, i need to keep this up and i did till the dome cracked, darkness and light covered me, i couldn't see, i couldn't move. a tunnel opened up inside the the constant stream of light and darkness and i flew into the center.


as the fish swam around me i started to float and then i felt it my power, so new, so raw and with it i felt every ones emotions, the fear, the anger, the pain and sadness also there love, it made me mad more so than i ever had to be and with that i was moving, a staff appeared in my hand and i could feel its energy, then the creatures came upon me, i swiped my staff and in a flash of light they were knocked over but they didn't give up my temper soared sky high and with that, i was gone. iv never been a violent person before but there i was slicing through those creatures, decapitating them, exploding them, i couldn't stop till i felt the love it was drawing me to the dome with Jason and Damien inside it, i see cracks forming and i know they are almost ready, i look over to meg and i see her riding her lion opening and closing the earth swallowing them hole. i didn't see anything coming but i felt the cut on my leg be for the earth opened near me to swallow a creature that cut me. and then the dome exploded and light and darkness poured out swirling around each other.

everything disappeared around us all from what i can tell till a tunnel formed, i walked down it till i bumped in to the other girls, we all walked down till we reached the center where Damien and Jason was there and David coming through a tunnel above.


we were all gathered around when my and Damiens eyes started to glow, we didn't need to look at each other to know we just did, i could hear all he is thinking and he can hear me, shall we explain Damien?, this powers is intoxicating. i noticed he tilted his head when i spoke to him yes i think it would be best, lets do if fast.we looked upon everyone gathered in front of us and when we spoke it was at the same time we spoke together "we don't have long, we are joined mind and soul right now, we do not know when it will end, before it does we need to explain, the darkness and light combined is spread out across our land, it will leave a barrier which you will be able to see, it will not harm you, as we can are from light and darkness, we can sense the darkness ad light among us, it will kill anything that is a danger to us eight. we feel us slipping." we pointed behind them and a tunnel appeared "go through there and take us with you it will lead to the house you will be safe inside but once we are out you will have a few minutes before the tunnel closes and we cant stop it. were about to fade get ready and well done." with that we felt ourselves slip into darkness and hit the floor.


sorry so late (really late) iv been ill and had a lot going on i hope this continues on well enough :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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